This delicious Artichoke Dip is one of my favorite easy appetizers, made with simple ingredients in less than 30 minutes! We love it served warm, with...
Authentic Canadian Poutine featuring deep-fried fries, poutine gravy and white cheddar cheese curds all tossed together. Do be careful with deep frying....
This might look like a relative of coffee cake but don't be fooled. The layer of streusel in this marbled loaf cake gets a complex punch of flavor from...
Recipe video above. Savoury Muffins are cheesy muffins studded with Mediterranean flavours! These stay moist and fresh for several days, making them ideal...
This granola bar recipe is so easy and delicious! These wholesome granola bars are naturally sweetened, gluten free, and the perfect healthy snack. Recipe...
Recipe video above. Crunchy wedges seasoned so they taste like the wedges you can get from the freezer section at the supermarket! I found that the trick...
Low-acid Meyer lemons make the citrus flavor of these bars especially vibrant.
Author: Sara Kate Gillingham
This easy and healthy carrot bread is quick, simple to make and full of real wholesome ingredients, like whole wheat flour and yogurt! It makes a great...
Creole cream cheese is Louisiana's answer to ricotta or burrata cheese. Traditionally, it's eaten with cream, sugar, and fruit spooned over the top or...
Make these crunchy chickpeas for an easy, healthy, flavor-packed snack! Salt and olive oil is all you need for the roasted chickpeas, but if you want to...
A sweet holiday snack mix finished with a dusting of powdered sugar and inspired by a winter snow day. Chex™ cereal, marshmallows and pretzel twists...
5 easy and delicious dipping sauce recipes for every palate! Incredibly versatile, these easy sauces pair with pretty much anything dippable: steak fries,...
Want to know how to make parmesan crisps and cheddar cheese chips? This quick & easy cheese crisps recipe will show you the basic method, plus 10 simple...
Forget about hot wings! These spicy "meatballs" combine white beans and mushrooms for a delicious meatless version of your favorite buffalo-and-blue cheese...
These delicious oatmeal chocolate chip cookies have JUST the right combination of crisp on the outside, chewy on the inside amazingness and of course big...
Make this quick and easy recipe for the All-Time Best Tuna Salad! Flakey tuna mixed with perfectly boiled eggs, crunchy celery and onions tossed in a creamy...