I used a nice light sauce on this iconic special occasion dish--lobster thermidor--rather than the thick, cheesy sauce popular in the '80s. Lobster is...
This cheesy, creamy, rich crawfish pasta is found at every family gathering in the New Orleans area - a great addition to your seafood recipe box and a...
This recipe is part of the Epicurious Online Cooking School, in partnership with the Culinary Institute of America. To watch it being made, and to learn...
A simple and delicious sheet pan dinner with shrimp and vegetables - you can use any combination of vegetables you like, but try to cut them all in even...
A unique way to eating shrimp, it's au gratin. Try it over grilled veggies and it's even better. It's very filling and appetizing. You can serve the shrimp...
Easy marinade for flavorful shrimp with a little kick. My family loves these and the marinade is also great on grilled steak. Serve with a salad and grilled...
This is an excellent dish that my mother makes. It has lots of vegetables in a thick Creole sauce. If you wish, you may also put sliced cheddar cheese...
This is one of my favorite recipes that can be made as an appetizer of a main course. My wife and I have been making these delicious shrimp for a few years...
A daring dash of red pepper flakes gives off a spicy heat in this marvelous tomato garlic sauce with shrimp, scallops, and mussels. Stir in a bit of parsley...
A very simple recipe for blackened shrimp using my blackened seasoning. If you don't eat them straight out the pan, they're very good dipped in garlic...
This dish is highlighted by shrimp and mushrooms sauteed in port wine and a creamy garlic sauce over angel hair pasta. Delicious! Enjoy with your favorite...