You run the risk of overcooking pork loin when you sear it in a skillet because it's prone to drying out. This sous vide method completely eliminates that...
Fried bread is our contribution to the classic Niçoise. And this recipe is the moment to splurge on the best-quality tuna (we love Ortiz brand) you can...
Home-roasted peppers require a little more effort than the store-bought kind but the flavor is worth it! They can be roasted several days ahead of time...
Korean BBQ Beef Sloppy Joes will be your new favorite easy weeknight dinner! With only five ingredients, you can whip up these yummy warm sandwiches in...
Nilou Motamed, Epicurious Editor-in-Chief, swears by this herb-infused lobster roll recipe inspired by her father-in-law Michael DePorte. When available,...
Make crock pot sloppy Joes with lean ground beef, garlic, onion, peppers, and seasonings. It's flavorful and easy sloppy joe recipe, especially since...
Can't make it all the way to Philly for your favorite sandwich? We have you covered. Tender beef steak with sautéed peppers and onions make this sandwich...
Slow Cooker Buffalo Chicken Sandwiches are an easy dinner or party food made with just three ingredients, piled onto toasted brioche buns and spread with...
This classic open-faced sandwich is a product of the South. The hot brown was created in the 1920s in Kentucky, at The Brown Hotel in Louisville as a way...
You're going to love how easy my dry rub oven-baked brisket is to prepare. And your friends and family are going to love how delicious that fork-tender...