I improvised this salmon casserole with items I had on hand in my pantry. I've never been big on casseroles (if you've had my mom's cooking, you'd understand...
Salmon is marinated in soy, brown sugar, juice, spices, and fresh ginger; then broiled to perfection! My family and friends rave about this fish with every...
An easy recipe for a quick dinner for weeknights with salmon, bell peppers, parsley, and lemon that is ready in about 30 minutes. I usually serve it with...
A favorite with our family, this French-Canadian dish has been passed down from many generations. It's a simple dish that can be served with a bechamel...
Adding asparagus and frozen peas directly to the boiling pasta during the last couple minutes of cooking means everything for this seasonal, fresh dinner...
I live in Alaska and this grilled salmon in foil recipe goes over great at our barbeques. It's so simple to make and with a nice side of steamed asparagus...
This super simple apricot-glazed salmon recipe uses only 3 ingredients! The apricot flavor is sweet with a little kick from the spicy mustard. It's easy...
Something I created myself when trying to figure out what to do with some salmon steaks, spinach, chives, and thyme ended up being very delicious. Serve...
I looked for a recipe for glazed salmon and didn't find one that used the ingredients I had on hand. So I threw together what I had and came up with this...
Fresh salmon needs very little preparation. These salmon fillets are cooked in good, sweet butter and minced garlic, and then sprinkled with a little lemon...
This salmon is marinated in a simple but super tasty Asian marinade and then broiled/grilled to produce a gorgeous caramelisation. Fast enough for midweek,...
This is a savory treat, and as a bonus it's low carb. This dip goes great with Mary's Gone Crackers®. You can also dip celery or pork rinds, or freeze...
Planked salmon is a method of cooking and smoking salmon that has been used for many years. Make sure to use natural (no preservatives) red cedar. The...
This is a great last-minute dinner. I can pick up the salmon on the way home, and I've usually got some herbs in the garden, and the rest of the ingredients...