When my son was in "Delightful Day" pre-school (he's 14 now) they had a Thanksgiving Day Feast. They served this recipe. However, instead of baking it...
This is a great light tasting, easy to make muffin that's not too sweet, and has exceptional rhubarb flavour in each bite. From the Pilsbury Complete Baking...
For unexpected guests at Thanksgiving or any time, here is a quick and easy coffee cake that everyone wil love! The streusel topping is a yummy mixture...
I started with a basic pumpkin muffin recipe and did some major tweaking to perfect these beauties, with their strong, sweet pumpkin pie taste. They in...
My girfriend gave me a loaf of this delicious bread along with the treasured recipe. Here it is for you. Makes a wonderful tea bread and does it smell...
These golden muffins have flavour mixtures of oatmeal and peanut, with the sweetness of raisins. These are not a particularly sweet muffin - perfect for...
Adapted from Cook Now Serve Later Cookbook, this is a good tasting bread! You can substitute apricots, raisins, dates, etc. for the figs for variation....
This is the most moist and delicious banana bread recipe I've ever made. I gave a loaf to my neighbor and he sat down in front of the TV and ate a whole...
I've been working on perfecting this recipe for a few years. If my family & extended family's picky toddlers & even pickier teens who'll literally LIVE...
This is a nice change from a plain bran muffin. It's somewhat healthier, because it's made with yogurt. I always double the cinnamon sugar on top (personal...
A nice refreshing muffin that can be served for a brunch, breakfast or just along side a nice ham dinner. We've enjoyed the flavor of these muffins for...
This has taken me 9 years to perfect. First I was given the dry ingredients then for about 4 years I made it one way, then I seen my cousin make hers and...
A great grab'n'go breakfast muffin recipe born from the happy accident of getting maple syrup on your bacon after piling your brunch plate a little too...
This recipe came from my Canadian Living Cookbook.I have made these muffins for years and my family loves them and they're good for you. You can store...
I've tried a lot of banana bread recipes and this is by far the best I've ever tasted! I found the recipe in the Utah Dining Car Cookbook by the Junior...
I plan on making this for the holidays and serving it with vanilla ice cream and chocolate sauce. A faux banana split complete with bread? What else could...
A wonderful recipe using fresh strawberries from Netherhill Strawberry Farm in Australia. This recipe also yields a tried and true (and reviewed) great...
I've had this recipe for years...it's absolutely the best!!! No need for cream cheese or frosting...mmmmmm good! I keep butterscotch chips on hand just...
This muffin is simple, flavorful, and moist. Using whole wheat pastry flour and oats also make them a fairly healthy start to the day. If you substitute...
Sometimes a recipe will call for a box of Jiffy Corn Muffin Mix. Here's a clone recipe you can make at home. If another recipe calls for a box of corn...
All the flavors of Autumn combined into one scrumptious bread. This tastes great with coffee or tea! I make this using Egg Beaters and unsweetened applesauce...
This is delish! Moist and full of flavor. What makes it even better? It has half the sugar and half the oil than most other recipes. NOTE: This bread becomes...
I like it because it is a healthy muffin. I substitute Egg Beaters for the eggs. Instead of 1 cup of oil I use 1/2 cup oil and 1/2 cup applesauce, but...
These are the original Bran Buds Cereal Muffins that my Auntie Anne made for me years ago and are now known by all as Auntie Anne's Muffins. She has standing...
I promise you that my mom's banana bread recipe is the absolute BEST you'll ever make or taste -- I've tried other banana bread recipes, but - they don't...
This is my version of Red Lobster's Cheddar Bay Biscuits. I think they have more flavor than the restaurant's. I won a recipe contest in our local newspaper...
A recipe from Ina Garten the Barefoot Contessa from the Food Network. I watched the show and had to save this recipe for safekeeping as it looks like the...
Very nice muffins with a high health factor. I haven't had these stick around long enough to worry about freezing any. For their portraits I dressed them...
The best recipe I've found to get that wonderful, dense, moist banana bread with a hint of pumpkin spice. I've made many banana bread recipes, and after...