All breakfast foods in one hearty, super delicious dish. I can't wait for you to taste this luxuriously rich casserole! It's so easy to make since using...
This Spicy Penne Pasta with Anchovies, Capers & Black Spanish Olives is truly a sensational dish. Loaded with so many different layers of flavors, this...
These pickled cucumbers take only 2-3 days to be ready. They are delicious with any salad or sandwich and equally add an irresistible crunch and flavour...
Nothing like a cosmopolitan! Made with citrus vodka, cranberry juice, Cointreau, lime juice, and simple syrup, this easy-to-make cocktail is a favorite...
This flavorful bruschetta can be prepared within 5 minutes. Place it over toasted bread slices, then sprinkle some crumbled goat cheese or fresh mozzarella...
This zesty carrot, broccoli and bean shoot salad fits the piggy bill, with a well coated mix of carrots, broccoli, cucumber and bean shoots that creates...
Fresh cauliflower looked so good at the summer's Farmer's Market. I froze several bags, then this winter wondered how to fix it other than boiling to get...
This is a fondue available at the longtime local favorite Rhinelander restaurant, and subsequently Gustav's restaurants, both founded by Chef Horst Mager,...
Snickerdoodles are delicious sugar cookies dusted with cinnamon sugar. Butter, sugar and eggs are combined with flour to create a beautiful cookie dough....
Klaichas are a national treat from Iraq. Traditionally, they press them into special moulds similar to tabis, but I just press them with the prongs of...
French Style Egg Salad Sandwiches are some of the easiest sandwiches in the world to make, especially if you have some hard boiled eggs sitting around...
With all the iterations and innovations of the original beef burger occurring in the fast food industry today, this recipe is a truly artisanal labor of...
If you ever come to Louisiana make sure you try our famous and delicious boudin balls. If you get your hands on some really good ones you may find yourself...
So for all you fellow dog-lovers out there, here's a simple and healthy Apple Carrot Dog Biscuit recipe for your special pup. Apples and carrots are favorites...
A recipe by Soy Vay: "A crunchy, zesty slaw tops the tender shredded chicken in these tacos garnished with fresh cilantro and Sriracha mayo. It's all nestled...
This Easy Rum-Soaked Grilled Pineapple recipe is my flame-less version of "pineapple foster". It's fresh, easy and crazy delicious. And it's also perfect...
This is a delicious starter from my book named 'The Curry Crunch' where mildly spiced king prawns are coated with bread crumbs and fried. The king prawns...
These Vegan Banana Crumb Muffins are super easy to make. The muffins are crunchy on the top and chewy, soft, and moist in the center, a delightful treat...
I have tried this recipe for several times, very easy to make, and tastes very well too, especially they are all vegetables, and I always use no-fat milk....
Admittedly, this doesn't capture the crunch outside of the normal method of making persian rice. But if you are just looking for a fluffy and buttery rice...
Spaghetti vongole is a simple dish PACKED with flavour. Bursting with all of the colours of Italy, this seafood pasta combines juicy cherry tomatoes, parsley...
A lovely little mouthful of protein to keep you going for the afternoon. Use the recipe as a base to make it your own. Roll in cacao, add some raspberries,...
This month our food theme is All American Fare. Apple pie pops into my head when I think of a dessert that fits that theme. My mom was a great pie maker...