Easy, delicious and healthy Peanut Noodles with Shredded Chicken and Vegetables recipe from SparkRecipes. See our top-rated recipes for Peanut Noodles...
It may be bold of a Jewish Yankee (meaning me, not Sandy Koufax) to state this is the crunchiest, tastiest, juiciest, easiest and all-around best fried...
A "Burger of the Month" from Everyday with Rachael Ray. I switched up the recipe a bit, as I don't keep fresh herbs on hand. The relish is good, but you...
This is a wonderful lower fat marinade that really does a great job with tenderizing, I have listed the chili powder and cumin as optional you may add...
Easy, delicious and healthy Chicken Enchiladas- La Victoria Green Ench. Sauce recipe from SparkRecipes. See our top-rated recipes for Chicken Enchiladas-...
Easy, delicious and healthy Grilled Chicken and Angel Hair Pasta Pomodoro recipe from SparkRecipes. See our top-rated recipes for Grilled Chicken and Angel...
It's that time of year again to make a big pot of chicken soup. Body-warming, delicious and filling, this recipe is a cinch to pull together. Use leftover...
This afternoon I was trying to decide what to make for dinner, and suddenly I found myself craving good old porcupine meatballs. But I couldn't make plain...
Cook time between 4-6 hours. I love the original recipe from them, so this should also be good. I will sub cooking sherry for the white wine. I got the...
Ready, Set, Cook! Hidden Valley Contest Entry. This recipe is so tasty using slightly sweet granola on chicken breast. It locks in the juices keeping the...
I figured out that you can make this in gargantuan quantities and freeze in containers for later. It really saves time...only about 10 minutes to heat...
If you like a salad with a crunch, this one is for you. My sister-in-law Jean made this for lunch years ago and gave me the recipe. I just made it again...
Many recipes for turkey burgers here and other places are good . My problem was that a lot of them were not full of flavor or would turn out dry. This...
This is how I take care of the turkey carcass. But you can make this soup by following the directions and using 12 cups of chicken broth with 1/2 teaspoon...