Here's a great scalloped potato recipe that's so easy and absolutely delicious. The leftovers are just as good, maybe even better, the next day. This is...
For perfect Roasted Potatoes with Garlic, Lemon, and Oregano there is no need to peel them, but I suggest that you halve them, because they taste best...
This recipe is right off the Hellman's mayonnaise jar. To me, it's so good it rivals my mother in law's potato salad, which I think is the best there is....
These potatoes are a staple in our home. Whether accompanying roast lamb or chicken, or just on their own, we have them a couple of times a week. They...
I got this potato soup recipe from my mother in law. We absolutely love it and it is very simple.You can, of course, decrease the cheese amount. I also...
This Italian favorite pairs up especially well with the recipes I posted for Mediterranean Roasted Green Beans with Slivered Amonds recipe #21300 and/or...
This is a fairly quick and simple version of garlic mashed potatoes. It goes well with just about any kind of meat or poultry, as well as many other meals....
Don't let the sparse ingredient list fool you. This is a recipe that's so easy to make yet so delicious that everyone inhales it. My mother was raised...
Oh my! Moist, cooked tender potatoes on the inside with sizzling crisp edges on the outside. Easy, easy...great for entertaining or just a weeknight meal!...
Easy potato dish that's real comfort food! Simple and rich, made fresh at home with common pantry ingredients. Never buy a box of Betty Crockers Scalloped...
This recipe is so simple and so good. Goes great with any kind of meat and vegetable. Adjust the amount of ingredients according to the size of your casserole...
This is a recipe that I got from one of those Pillsbury cookbooks that you can buy at the checkout stands. This is one of my favorite ways to make potatoes,...
I remember my Grandmother making this marvelous dish over 65 years ago. We were the only vegetarians in our family and therefore Grandma cooked just to...
I came up with this recipe after having done a search on Zaar and came up empty handed. It is a simple recipe and turned out exactly as I had hoped. I...
This is a really great tater recipe, it's one I have been making for a long time, not only is it easy to make it's so good! You really don't have to have...
This is a warm marinated salad that I make often. It is so good! I often make a meal of just this salad by itself, and some good bread. I hope you will...
This is awesome! This salad will stay for several days, and improves in flavor. It may be served chilled or room temperature. Preparation time includes...
I was scrambling to make something to go with an "interestingly" spiced roast that my mum made, and came up with this combination of spices for potatoes...
An easy Lettuce Soup recipe. This soup is a great way to use lettuce's outer leaves and ribs, which usually go to waste. Any kind of potato and any salad...
One of the best potato soups, I think the sour cream makes the difference, I like to add in the cayenne pepper for just a bit of heat, and I most always...
This is a delicious creamy thick soup. I make it quite often, it's a family favorite, I also add in some cayenne pepper, if you are not a lover of garlic...
Have you ever posted a recipe and just love reading the reviews for it? This is my signature potato salad. Whenever there is a pot luck function at work,...
Cutting leeks into large pieces (they almost dissolve when thinly sliced) gives them a presence equal to disks of potato, while cooking the vegetables...
I love roasted vegetables. This is an easy and simply delicious recipe by Jamie Oliver. Your veggies will be crisp on the outside and tender on the inside....
I had a difficult time getting this recipe. I got this recipe from my great aunt. I have it memorized so I would never forget it. This is a one of a kind...
This is my perfect basic recipe for twice baked potatoes. These potatoes are great to make ahead of time. Just refrigerate or freeze until you need them,...
The Portuguese soup caldo verde is ideal cool weather comfort food. It is full of good-for-you greens and potatoes, while sausage keeps things porky and...
These twice baked potatoes are great to keep in the freezer for busy days or unexpected company! When baking potatoes are on special, I buy a 10-15 pound...