While this is a pizza almost everywhere else, in certain places on the German/French border, it goes by the totally dessert-sounding name of tarte flambée....
I came up with the glaze for this ham using ingredients on hand and it's the best I've ever tasted. If you have any glaze left over, you can add it to...
This is very hearty and needs only a salad to complete the meal. I like to use more onions and garlic than posted. And it tastes great as leftovers. Tastes...
This is a GREAT recipe. Do not let the ingredients scare you, they combine to make a really great taste. The pork is so moist and tender that it will fall...
Even people that don't like blue cheese love this wonderful hot dip. It can be served with vegetables, but I find that people like it best with French...
This was my Scottish grandmother's recipe for partridge, also commonly known as ruffed grouse. Partridge breasts are seared in bacon grease, then roasted...
Sweet orange marmalade enhances the flavor of the tart cranberries in this wonderful dish. For a more intense flavor, use 1/4 cup dried cranberries or...
This sweet and spicy tenderloin recipe is super easy! Make it as spicy as you like by adding more or different types of chili peppers. This version is...
A crown roast makes an impressive dinner, especially for holidays. This is the recipe I've used for years, and is always a crowd pleaser. Sometimes I use...
Sometimes cooking for one can be a bit of a pain. This is a favorite dish of mine; it's quick, simple, delicious, and a great way to use leftover chicken....
Easy slow cooker pork shoulder is excellent for making delicious pulled pork sandwiches or serving as an entree. Serve over rice or with Hawaiian sweet...
Pork no longer needs to be massacred with cooking - I know it is a hard habit to break if this is how you were brought up but pork today is perfectly safe...
This recipe comes from The Pillsbury Complete Cookbook, which I received as a wedding present from my husband's Aunt Wilma. I adapted the recipe to suit...
Classic stuffed quahog recipes used stale bread and lots of seasoning. But my grandmother would have appreciated the pre-seasoned stuffing adaptation in...
A wonderful overnight marinade makes the pork so flavorful - serve with the delicious, creamy mustard sauce. A super dish for buffets and potlucks, as...
This really is the best pork roast I've ever eaten. I use fresh rosemary from my herb garden but dried will work. Even though the Marsala is optional,...
I found this recipe in a site promoting the other white meat. Balsamic vinegar combines with a touch of brown sugar to make a delectable glaze for this...
Very tender roast, wonderful rich gravy. Serve with mashed tatters or French fries. Wonderful as left over for hot pork sandwiches. I've made this type...
This is a family recipe passed down from my grandfather and my father who still make every New Year's Day. It's the best. Trust me, you'll love this recipe....
This is the most delicious and easy crock pot meal. It's great to just throw the ingredients into the crock pot in the morning, then I just serve with...
Total comfort food! You will need 3/4-inch thick pork chops for this, make certain to slice the potatoes the same thickness as the chops to assure that...
I was tired of the same old chops, and decided to try something new... WOW! These chops are fantastic!! They are great for casual entertaining or family...
This sweet yet savory medley of apples, sweet potatoes, onions, and sauerkraut cooks up perfectly in the slow cooker! Don't be afraid of the sauerkraut---it...
I am not a big fan of pork. However, my husband and children love pork chops. I came up with this recipe after I got tired of frying them in oil. I like...
This recipe is actually from my partner, Dean Ramsey. This is a DELICIOUS way of serving pork chops, and the sauce should act as a gravy over white rice,...
This easy recipe is one of my favorite dinners for company. Leaving out the red pepper flakes, makes it a dish for anyone. Presented on a platter over...