Pork chops with vinegar and anchovy sauce is a recipe handed down by a friend who owns an Italian restaurant. Serve this savory dish with fluffy mashed...
This recipe is one of the best grilled jerk tenderloin recipes served with its own Pineapple Mango-Kiwi Salsa. The flavors of the two balance the heat...
Only two ingredients create a great twist on a familiar and favorite appetizer. These are best if they are heated for a while before serving, as the juice...
I'm a Yank. This is a Southern dish. We meet in the middle. Pulled pork shoulder slow-cooked in spices and sauces, great for a low-stress day, potluck,...
Appetizers to liven up any party! Spicy sausage, cheese olives, and peppers. What's there not to like? I found this in my Christmas with Southern Living...
Tired of the same old rib recipes--try these. The ingredients are, as the name implies Asian, but can be found in most large stores or at any Asian grocery...
I love chipotle peppers in adobo sauce! Here is a skillet pork chop recipe that I threw together, using the chiles with garlic and onions. Hope you like...
Show: Down Home with the Neelys Episode: Sunday Supper Time does not include marinating time in fridge (8hrs). I used my gas grill, also using indirect...
Enjoy these traditional savory stuffed peppers without all the extra carbohydrates! My family loves these! You can use any kind of ground sausage, hot...
Kielbasa, also called kielbasy or Polish sausage, is a spicy sausage usually made with pork (though beef is sometimes added). It comes in chunky links,...
Don't be fooled by the list of ingredients this is not at all hard to make, and may even be better than any take-out you may have had in the past! ---...
I think this is the perfect dinner party recipe! Easy enough for a beginner cook to handle and yet really impressive! I see no reason why you can't prepare...
This recipe is easy and delicious. The pork chops are coated with a spicy rub and topped with a sweet maple sauce, which both compliments and tones down...
This was my first introduction to Chorizo sausage. When I make home-made chili, this is the recipe I use. Adapted from a recipe I got from some magazine...
This recipe occurred to me because I love blue cheese melted over a thick juicy beefsteak . . . why wouldn't it taste yummy with pork as well ? I have...
The ultimate smoked baby back ribs at home. Just as good as any smoke house that you'll go to. An amazing recipe that was adapted from a cooks illustrated...
Braise thin pork chops in an apple-based gravy to keep them juicy and flavorful. I had trouble indicating the amount of apple, it's one large granny smith...
Elevate pork chops to the next level with these pork chops which take little time and are company worthy. Just be careful when cooking because the pecans...
This is a traditional Chinese recipe for pork - the pork is very flavorful and fairly sweet. I had never heard of this until my first trip to Hawaii; now...
This pork tenderloin soaks up the yummy juices as it cooks. And the juices are healthier in this version of the recipe because we replaced the dry onion...
I don't know if you can get pickled pork outside Australia, but it's quite common here. My mum used to by a piece of it every year for Christmas, but we...
This a great pan- sear pork chop made with no egg mixture. Most times you dip in the egg and then dredge. We needed one without egg and this fits the bill....
I watch Ted make these on Queer Eye for the Straight Guy tonight. Sweetpea has a similar recipes posted but they aren't stuffed. A nice balance of sweet...
Because pork is rather rich, I like to add a touch of hoisin sauce-the pork can stand up to it. The malt vinegar balances out the flavors, cutting through...
I remember having this for our local high school (Hawaii), school lunch. This was always made with ground pork and the gravy poured over white rice. Also,...
This is adapted from Miss Vickie's Big Book of Pressure Cooker Recipes. The original Recipe calls for more sour cream and flour, I reduced them to change...