Not your everyday pizza. If you can't find chanterelles, use cremini or portabella mushrooms-cooked they are fairly close in flavor. This recipe will make...
Hearty and gluten-free. The whole family loves this simple dish. Add a side salad and dinner is ready quickly. I keep browned ground beef and onions cooked...
Fridays, are our dinner nights with our daughter and son-in-law. Recently, I made homemade pizza. We had 2 stuffed cheese crust deep dish and a pepperoni....
What a great idea for grilled cheese! We made two just like Cara wrote the recipe and they were great. The different cheeses and fresh basil are a very...
This is one of my favorite holiday appetizers. So quick and easy! Guests are always surprised to see appetizers in fun, holiday shapes. Cookie cutters...
I made this once for my Boyfriend, on our first home dinner date. I was worried because he is 1/2 Italian & jokes with me "if you can't say it, you shouldn't...
Yields 3 - 16" pizzas The pepperoni is key when cooking the pizza in a conventional oven as it protects the cheese while allowing the crust to cook. Besides...
We love pizza in our house. But you can't always get the flavors you want by ordering out. So, we make what we like at home. This is one of our favorites...
This pizza recipe is the one Dad always made in my home, growing up. Of course, he didn't use a recipe, but I think I've figured it out pretty well. It...
Our family loves pizza! These Piadinas are an Italian flatbread sandwich. The pizza dough is grilled and filled with antipasto vegetables, pepperoni and...
This pepperoni pizza quesadilla is an easy kid-friendly lunch idea! It's a fun twist on the typical quesadilla that is easy to customize for kid and...
This is pizza made on a gas grill. The results are great, and plenty of variations would work. The trick is to grill one side of the pizza dough first,...
Millie and Rose Mary inspired me with her goat cheese operation. I had some ground lamb in the freezer and some mint on hand. I also had a pizza crust...
Pizza Pops are an amazing snack food, perfect for kids parties. A simple but delicious pizza dough is topped with your favourite toppings and baked until...
I decided to make pizza and this dough recipe was easy and tasted great, handled like a dream during rolling. Makes enough for one 10-12 in thick crust...
Momma made this for us in the summer and now I make it for my kids, you can make them and freeze them. Cook one or ten at a time! I promise once you eat...
Use the pumpkin hummus recipe from this site to make this amazing pizza. I love to fool around in the kitchen and I came up with this pizza and my parents...
Use the pumpkin hummus recipe from this site to make this amazing pizza. I love to fool around in the kitchen and I came up with this pizza and my parents...
This is pizza made on a gas grill. The results are great, and plenty of variations would work. The trick is to grill one side of the pizza dough first,...
Ever had one of those nights where you didn't want take-out but you didn't want to make a fuss in the kitchen either? Tonight was one of those nights....
Want to up the game for Friday pizza night? Then you need to try this pesto pizza. Our whole crew loved it. The pesto is fresh tasting packed with cilantro...
I make this with my toddler, and let her do most of the assembly. She loves it, and gets, to brag to Daddy that she made dinner. It's easily adaptable,...