A classic Sicilian-style pasta and veggies dish that's lovely served either warm, or at room temperature. Enjoy with a glass of wine and a good Italian...
This is a nice refreshing pasta salad to serve in the summer, and is also delicious served as a vegetarian pasta salad by omitting the chicken. The time...
I am always looking for simple yet filling casserole type recipes to fix for busy weeknights. I found this recipe at our local grocery store. Delicious...
One of my favorite summer fares. This recipe is from a 1997 issue of Bon Appetit magazine. Very wonderful mix of flavors. Use the dressing to taste. You...
Easy pasta bake that I often fall back on when I want dinner ready quickly. When in a rush after work I microwave the vegetables to soften but if you have...
Nice tasting, easy to make pasta salad perfect for potluck dinners. Very flexible - you can add green onions, red onions, olives, croutons, or meats (salami,...
This is a wonderful pasta salad which I have been making for at least 15 years. In fact when I first moved to Greece and my mother visited me a year later,...
BBCgoodfood.com recipe that jumped out at me while I was at the Dr's office. Photocopied it and then forgot about it. It comes from a November 2003 (The...
We like to eat at Olive Garden because of their lunch menu of soup, salad, Bread sticks. I found a recipe on Internet for Olive Garden E. Fagioli Soup...
Delicious dish served at Buca Di Beppo. Tender chicken breast, artichoke hearts, sun-dried tomatoes and green peas tossed with imported Italian penne pasta...
I made this up the other night. It is GREAT!! Surprisingly great even. In Romania I use a sausage called Cirnati Paprika which is a bit like Spanish chorizo...
This is a truly delicious pasta recipe! It is quite fast and easy, and a wonderful dish to serve to guests. Coarse salt is a must. Modified slightly from...
In Los Angeles, my cousin made variations of this every single night and it is the best combination of flavors for a pasta that I have ever had! Everyone...
From the weight watchers site. Six points per serving We really enjoyed this and I am putting it here for safekeeping. When I make it again I will use...
This recipe came to me from my old across-the-hall neighbor in New York City. Makes a wonderfully smooth and cheesy side dish, or it can be easily doubled...
A different twist on macaroni & cheese. This is reminiscent of spinach dip with pasta added. This recipe can be made Gluten Free by using a Gluten Free...
If you have been to a wedding in St. Louis you have had Mostaccioli. Some versions are good, some...well let's just say I hope you have avoided the versions...
DELICIOUS!!! great vegetarian dish (just substitute vegetable broth for chicken broth), and even if you're not a vegetarian- still an amasing dish!! lots...
This is one of Nick Stellino's recipes. I just LOVE Nick Stellino...He's so funny to watch, and I really like his style of cooking. He's quite possibly...
This is a recipe I devised when I had a craving for an antipasto salad, but wanted a different spin on the dressing. Oh man, did I love the result. I served...
Which in Canada is Salade de pates au poivron, or so they say. I haven't tried this yet because I'm posting it for the WT 06. In the original recipe by...
This is a spicy pasta dish that is very fast and easy to make. It's my variation of the dish found at Macaroni Grill. I usually serve this with an italian...
I created this recipe to suit the veggies I happened to have in my fridge at the time. It was pretty slim pickings but if I'd had onions or fresh lemon...
A good pasta dish from the RSVP section of Bon Appetit, September 1995. If you cannot find mascarpone, mix 6 tablespoons cream cheese with 5 tablespoons...
We're yet to try this but it looks yum, so I'm sharing it here to remind myself to make it & to make changing the measurements easier. Serve with some...
I developed this recipe from a series of copycat recipes I've used modeled after Olive Garden's recipe of the same name. It is DELICIOUS!! Everybody I...