This appetizer is by far the most popular of all my friends and family. These mushrooms will disappear in seconds! Pepperoni and mushrooms together - -...
A healthier vegetarian delight that is great as an appetizer, main entree, or snack, and loaded with nutrition. Every bite is bursting with flavor from...
This is a once-a-year treat, seafood and cream cheese-stuffed whole morel mushrooms. The taste is simply to die for. White morels are best. Harvest at...
The Dijon mustard adds a different twist to this delicious appetizer! Water chestnuts are optional, but add a nice texture to the smooth cream cheese and...
Crimini mushrooms (also known as portabellini mushrooms) are stuffed with Cheddar cheese and bacon. This appetizer is an impressive and irresistible accompaniment...
This is an oven-baked risotto with the deep, fragrant flavour of mushrooms. It's extremely creamy and luscious but - can you believe it? - it contains...
My mom makes these mushrooms every year for the holidays and there are NEVER any leftovers! They are the best stuffed mushrooms I have ever had. I now...
These are great stuffed mushrooms, the recipe uses sour cream and grated cheese to hold the stuffing together, it is far and away my favorite pre-dinner...
Neither my toddler nor my husband could get enough of this delectable and rich dish. It left the house smelling incredible and was done in a very short...
It is a very good vegetarian recipe, barbecued mushrooms, black beans and succotash, very tasty and healthy. If you want some savory vegetable recipe,...
I created this recipe for a vegetarian friend. It is based on my Italian sausage stuffed mushrooms, but this is more 'veggie' friendly! Enjoy it! If you...
An 18th Century recipe that I have altered slightly. Better make a double batch because these go fast. Sausage can be substituted for ground beef if you'd...
This was my first attempt at a mushroom recipe. On my website, I describe this recipe as small, savory treats that can be served to accompany a variety...
This is a wonderful dish that can be served with almost any main course. These mushrooms stuffed with shrimp and topped with melted Cheddar cheese go really...
Portobello mushrooms are stuffed with refried beans and topped with Cheddar cheese and homemade corn salsa in these fun fiesta cups. This recipe was made...
Mushrooms are an excellent vehicle for beloved bacon in these easy to make appetizers. Use toothpicks to hold the bacon in place while baking. I usually...