This homemade traditional Greek pork gyros is the real deal and better than anything you can get at a restaurant. Brined, then marinated, and cooked on...
Rich and creamy pork chops with mushroom gravy come together in just 30 minutes and all in one-pan. Pan fried pork chops pair perfectly with mushroom gravy...
The very best Slow Cooker Cowboy Beans! This easy recipe is so hearty and filling and just perfect for chilly weather! Loaded with three types of beans,...
RECIPE VIDEO ABOVE. Juicy strips of beef smothered in a sour cream mushroom gravy - a quick dinner everyone will love! KEY STEPS: Sear beef super quickly...
This seafood boil contains fresh shrimp, lobster, clams, crab, potatoes, corn and sausage, all boiled in a flavorful broth. An impressive meal in one pot...
The Creamiest Cheese Grits Recipe Ever - The best classic southern grits are loaded with cheese and butter for the most incredibly creamy and super cheesy...
Stir-fry of blanched Chinese broccoli is a traditional home-cooked dish for the Chinese. It is also widely served in the restaurants. This recipe shows...
Recipe video above. Hands down, my favourite way to cook fresh prawns! Simple and fabulous, the 3 tips for top notch garlic prawns is to chop rather than...
This Greek-style roasted lemon garlic chicken is perfect for a weekend dinner and can be done with whole or half chicken, or smaller pieces of poultry....
Saucy shrimp simmered in creamy coconut milk sauce with fresh garlic, ginger, pepper flakes, and lime juice. It's perfect over cooked rice and ready in...
Delicious, fall-off-the-bone tender, and finger-licking good Chinese BBQ ribs are the way to shake things up for the holidays and other special occasions....
Recipe video above. This is a pork belly that's slow-roasted so the fat renders and cooks the belly confit-style in its own fat. The result? Ridiculously...
This marinated salmon is fresh salmon fillets flavored with olive oil, garlic and herbs, then grilled or baked to perfection. You'll want to grill salmon...
This mango chicken is a combination of seared chicken breast, bell peppers and fresh mango, all tossed in a sweet and savory sauce. Chicken with mango...
The marinade for this chicken is based on the famous Chinese BBQ Pork (Char Siu), a very popular recipe on my blog! It's sweet, savoury, sticky, laced...
Recipe video above. This is a simple-yet-luxurious, cheffy way to cook salmon. By basting continuously with foaming garlic butter, it seeps into every...
This recipe shows you how to grill and bake the salmon. Both are incredibly delicious and easy to follow. The fish is marinated with the miso marinate...
This bacon wrapped chicken is chicken breasts seasoned with brown sugar and spices, then wrapped in bacon and baked until caramelized. An easy chicken...
Perfect Old Fashioned Pinto Beans with a LOAD of flavor! Just know, if you are sensitive to salt, you can decrease the salt for cooking and add at the...
Recipe video above. Chicken infused in a gorgeous Thai coconut marinade which infuses with flavour and adds buttery richness from the coconut milk. MARINATING...
Crispy eggplant covered in a sticky sweet, sour, savory and slightly spicy sauce. A signature Sichuan dish that turns eggplant haters into eggplant lovers....
This grilled swordfish is marinated in lemon, garlic, olive oil and herbs, then seared on the grill until golden brown. The absolute best way to prepare...
This is adapted from a recipe by Karen Martini, a great Australian chef. Simple to make and so incredibly delicious. A "meaty" meat free dish for carnivores!...
Recipe video above. Crunchy and creamy cashews are the star in this popular Thai chicken stir fry! Tossed with a bold and savoury Thai stir fry sauce,...
This Creamy Tuscan White Bean Soup is easy to make and packed full of the flavors of Tuscany. Soup and crusty bread is the ultimate comfort food, and this...
This chicken pesto pasta is sauteed chicken, farfalle pasta and cherry tomatoes, all tossed in basil pesto and finished off with parmesan cheese. A quick...
Recipe VIDEO above. Pasta tossed with a garlic infused creamy sauce and plump, juicy prawns! (Shrimp) This pasta version of Creamy Garlic Prawns is a quick...
Shrimp and scallop pasta in Cajun cream sauce is a house favorite! Giant shrimp or king prawns, scallops and Andouille sausage (or use chicken or turkey...
Simple aloo matar recipe made in North Indian style - simple potato peas gravy that tastes delicious and goes well with rice, roti or plain paratha. This...
Recipe VIDEO above. "Thit Kho To" - Tender pork in a sweet savoury glaze that has quite an intense flavour. Though made using coconut water as the broth,...
Immerse yourself in a bit of heaven with this Italian White Bean Soup. Buttery and soft cannellini beans pair with tantalizing herbs to be slowly simmered...
This grilled salmon is coated in a flavorful marinade then grilled until golden brown. A super easy dinner option that will earn you rave reviews! This...