A mix of fresh and frozen vegetables in a lively sauce forms the filling for this vegetarian pot pie. The top crust couldn't be easier, since it is a sheet...
This sausage-biscuit sandwich is a great option when you're on the go. The spicy honey mustard sauce is easy to make and complements the flavor of Jimmy...
This Corned Beef Casserole is the perfect dish for Saint Patrick's Day! It contains the classic Irish ingredients of corned beef, cabbage, and potatoes,...
This is a quick and easy vegetable stir-fry, perfect to use up whatever fresh vegetables you have in your fridge. I used purple cauliflower because it...
Sweet and tangy! This easy dinner recipe has a flavorful sauce made with Russian dressing, onion soup mix and apricot jam. Serve on a bed of rice for a...
This comforting and delicious creamy turkey noodle casserole can be made with leftover turkey after the holidays or with ground turkey year round. Topped...
Burritos filled with slow-cooked shredded chicken, sour cream, refried beans, and Mexican-style rice. The chicken filling is also great for quesadillas...
A surprisingly authentic-tasting meatless stroganoff. It's everything a stroganoff should be--creamy, full of mushroom flavor, and hearty--but without...
Tex-Mex Enchiladas with Chili Gravy are cheese enchiladas covered with a beef chili con carne gravy, or enchilada sauce, and lots and lots of gooey cheddar...
Mahi Mahi fillets are smothered with an easy, flavorful tomato & olive sauce and baked until tender and flaky. Serve over rice for a delicious dinner in...
This Clam Fritters recipe is made with an easy to make, seasoned breading batter. It includes chopped fresh veggies and the fritters are fried in coconut...
My take on the viral mini tacos. These little chicken and corn tacos bites are perfect for a party or for game day snacking. Feel free to experiment with...
Chicken Ole Casserole is a delicious Mexican lasagna dinner that is layered with cheese and chicken mixture, corn tortillas, and your choice of toppings....
The Best Baked Garlic Pork Chops Recipe Ever is the best oven baked pork chop recipe ever - perfect rich, tender, juicy garlic baked pork chops that are...
Mexican Beef And Rice Casserole is an easy, cheesy, delicious ground beef skillet dinner loaded with Mexican beefy taco flavor that your whole family will...
More like the "yellow Thai curry," this recipe is very easy to make, and results are yummy. A great vegetarian dish for those nights when you just don't...
This simple vegetarian North Indian dish of chickpeas is cooked with spinach, mustard leaves, finely chopped broccoli, cabbage, or other greens, along...
This delicious pulled chicken taco filling is slowly simmered until the chicken falls apart, creating the most delicious taco filling you can imagine....
Pasta topped with a silky cheese sauce and all the goodness of Philly cheesesteak toppings. Pay attention to the thickness of the sirloin--you'll want...