Sticky Asian glazed chicken is tender and juicy chicken coated in a sticky-sweet Asian sauce. This meal is ready in just thirty minutes, and the flavor...
THE Chili recipe around here. Three kinds of beans + onions, green peppers, fire-roasted tomatoes, and spices bubble in the Crock Pot while you go about...
If you love my #1 post, The Best Slow Cooker Pulled Pork, then you'll love this BBQ pulled pork version too! With simple seasoning, this recipe takes...
Mexican refried beans or frijoles refritos are a Mexican food staple that everyone should master. You'll love this easy authentic refried beans recipe...
An easy, healthy recipe to make the best crockpot Mexican chicken. See the blog post for 10 ways to use it to make fast, wholesome meals any night of the...
Chicken salad is a classic salad recipe with diced chicken, creamy mayonnaise, crisp celery, green onion, sweet grapes, and fresh herbs. Watch the video...
Broccoli and blue cheese soup is classic British cooking, and especially good for using up any leftover cheese from Christmas. Based on six portions without...
This honey mustard salmon recipe features perfectly flaky salmon fillet covered in a quick honey mustard sauce with fresh garlic, smoked paprika, and a...
The PERFECT Simple Roast Chicken Recipe that makes the crispiest skin, juiciest chicken with just five minutes of prep and one hour in the oven. Never...
Easy Red Lentil Dahl is a perfect plant based dish - tasty, healthy and ready in under 20 minutes. Red lentils are cooked with spices in this traditional...
Best Ever Slow Cooker Beef Stew is the absolute perfect comforting beef stew. A thick and rich sauce filled with hearty and chunky potatoes, carrots, onions,...
Dinner ready in under 20 minutes! This juicy and tender lemon baked cod is so healthy and delicious. All you need is 3 ingredients, salt, pepper, and a...
This Best Ever One Pot Beef Stew is an easy, classic beef stew recipe that cooks to perfection on the stove top and in the oven. It's the best comfort...
Mom's Oven Pork Chops and Potatoes includes just six simple ingredients. This method of baking results in a fork-tender pork chop that the whole family...
Slow Cooker French Dip Sandwiches are filled with tender chunks of roast beef with thin slices of melted mozzarella cheese all held together by a soft...
Tender, flavor-packed fish en papillote with green peppers, tomatoes, and a light lemony sauce, all cooked together in parchment parcels. I used cod fillet...
One of the best trout recipes I've tried is simply cooking the trout in the skillet in olive oil, and then adding garlic, lemon juice, white wine, fresh...
Literally the BEST chicken noodle soup, this has thick chicken chunks, sliced carrots, and celery, wide noodles. It soaks in a smooth chicken broth filled...
Chicken pasta recipes can get boring. Not this Italian-inspired recipe! You'll fall in love with the flavors in this Chicken Pasta with Bacon, Spinach,...
Lemon is chicken's best friend - stuffed whole inside a roasting bird with a sprig of rosemary; wrapped in foil, baked soft and puréed for a sauce, à...
Bursting with flavor, these spicy shrimp are so easy to make. They're ready in 15 minutes! Serve them on cauliflower rice, or use them in salads and...
If you have never paired tender, buttery, pan seared scallops with a creamy wine sauce, you are totally missing out! Toss the whole thing with some fresh...
Pan Seared Scallops with Lemon Caper Sauce is a simple yet elegant dish that is perfect for special occasions or any day of the week. The caramelized scallops...