A wonderful lentil recipe and very, very easy to make. Lentils are one of my favourite pulses. I'm sure this soup will make them one of yours. Freezes...
From Cooking Light. Serving size: 1 cup lentil mixture and 1 tablespoon cheese. Per serving: 306 calories, 8.3 g fat, 20.1 g protein,39.6 g carb, 12.8...
This taco filling is a healthier alternative to the meat version. I found this recipe on a "runners" message board where the posters were raving how much...
A healthy and very filling curry , great with naan bread and cucumber raita. Make sure to use a high quality curry powder, the best come from bulk bins...
From the Post Punk Kitchen Website! These were DELICIOUS! I love making my own veggie burger, and these had such a wonderfully unique taste. The salty...
This is out of the 2005 edition KCTS Chefs cookbook. It was sent in by owner and executive Chef Alison Hero from the Silverwater Cafe in Port Townsend...
This is a thick, fragrant, and hearty stew. Very satsifying on a cold day, very good for you, and very cheap. Can't really ask for more than that from...
Lentils soak up a lot of water, so add more water if required. The term to 'sweat' meaning to cook gently, is an important way to develop flavours in vegetables...
This is based on a Weight Watchers recipe modified to suit my own tastes. A wonderfully simple salad that can play center stage at the meal or accompany...
Tomato soup with lentils,chickpeas, and vermicelli pasta. Perfect for those cold winter days. This soup is served everyday during the holy month of Ramadan....
"Dal" in Indian cooking refers to porridge like dishes made from dried legumes, usually split peas or lentils. Dal is often served in a thinned state as...
This should really be called Healthy Healthy Soup, but it's so good, no one would believe it! The soup freezes extremely well and makes about 20 cups or...
A variation on a Molly Katzen recipe I found on the Internet. Though the spices are quite different, the basic ingredients -- tomatoes, lentils and chickpeas...
Addictive and extremely healthy! Sometimes you can find sprouted lentils or bean medley in the higher-end markets, but you can sprout your own! TO SPROUT...
An easy, hearty soup made from items found in the pantry. It can be made in the crock pot also by combining all of the ingredients, except for the oil,...
A vegan main dish if made without bacon or with substitute bacon. Very colorful, and very tasty. From The New York Times, a Melissa Clark recipe. Serves...
This recipe comes from Persia and I have taken it from 'Farah's Persian Cuisine, pg 24.' My workmate is from Persia and gave me the cookbook, it is simply...
This is my version of a very tasty soup recipe that was in the local newspaper. It's a good idea to make the vegetables all about the same size dice, they...
This is a nice German style Lentil soup that I came up with over the years. I love real German food and this is my version of this classic. My wife is...
This is probably the most famous lentil dish coming out of India-yellow lentils tempered with spices and the usual holy trinity of garlic, ginger and chile....