Fabulous way to serve fruit that tastes almost like dessert. It is wonderful served with ham or pork - or even over vanilla ice cream! You can substitute...
Ripe plantains have peels that are almost completely black whereas the firm-ripe ones called for in this recipe are mottled black and yellow. Can be prepared...
You can make this with your favorite fish. Serve with pasta, potatoes or rice. I enjoy my sushi grade fish still cool inside. But by all means cook yours...
This salad is a wonderful mix of flavors and textures. Serve it with warm flatbread, such as naan. Make a simply beautiful dessert by tossing together...
A super simple salad/side dish that works well with a hot dish, such as one with chilies, because it's cooool. I actually add the vinegar pretty much by...
Celebrating beautiful seasonal veg, this stunning vegan main will make your guests feel really special when you bring it to the table. The fruity, nutty...
I always make this frozen salad for Thanksgiving dinner. I don't care for plain cranberry sauce and this recipe is a change from that. It looks as if it...
This is just a PRETTY salad. I like to serve this in a glass bowl so you can see the layers. Now obviously you can just toss it all together, but for a...
I needed an interesting way to serve fruit when I had 4 guests for dinner one night, and I looked at the lovely peppermint growing in my garden for inspiration....
This recipe is by Janice Cole from Cooking Pleasures magazine. The peaches are accented with the sweet spices of cinnamon, cardamon, and nutmeg, creating...
This recipe is from my husbands grandmother. It's a family favorite. We don't know where she got it from. We were married 10 years before she gave me the...
This recipe uses Green Apple Pectin Stock instead of commercial powdered pectin. You can find the recipe for the Green Apple Pectin Stock here: Recipe...
A great addition to any buffet - this puff pastry dish tastes great warm, lukewarm, or cold, or serve as an appetizer for your guests. The combination...
My other favorite from Seattle's Ponti Seafood Grill. Go Chef Alvin Binuya!!! Recommended wine is "Mersaut, Charriere, Thillets Vineyard", but personally,...
To make this slightly sweet dish such a delicious departure from other melon soups, Kinch briefly cooks vibrant Cavaillon and Charentais melons. Feel free...