This dish is super easy. It is also a very hearty delicious bowl of comfort food. The guys in my house loved it. I loved this recipe but I used cream of...
This is the recipe my dad has been using for 25 years. It's light and clean-tasting because there's no sense in masking the naturally delicious flavor...
This recipe has all the makings for your new favorite classic fish sandwich: Crispy fried white flounder fillets enveloped in two thick slices of white...
Another classic combination, this dish makes people think you went to a lot of trouble. Actually it's quite simple. Any shape of pasta works, but I prefer...
This recipe is a great alternative to pan-fried catfish. A combination of cornmeal and a variety of spices gives this recipe a savory kick in less than...
This recipe for baked cod is one of the easiest ones I know. Cod fillets are covered with a delicious herbed bread crumb crust and baked in the oven. Serve...
My husband came up with this creation for Easter dinner, as Tilapia is indigenous to the sea of Galilee. It remains the best fish I have ever put in my...
Fish can be intimidating for those who didn't grow up cooking or eating it. One of the best ways to ease people into eating anything unfamiliar is by smothering...
This is a recipe that I came up with one night after finding some red snapper in the freezer. It can also be done with catfish, flounder, perch, or pretty...
With a few simple ingredients, you can have a delicious meal! My husband came up with this recipe while we are on "stay at home" orders due to the Coronavirus...
This recipe is a light alternative to pan-fried fish. A combination of cornmeal, bread crumbs, and dill weed gives this recipe a savory flavor in less...
Here's an easy but impressive dish from the Admiral's Inn in St. John's Antigua. When ordering the whole snapper from the fish market, have them clean...
Living by the sea, we try to eat fish often and this hearty meal is an easy way to enjoy a little bit of what you fancy! This fish pie is good enough for...
This dish is quick, easy, and even better, it's healthy! Served on a bed of rice with the sauce arranged artistically around the plate, it looks absolutely...
Crispy breaded fish without frying! My husband only likes deep-fried fish, and he loves this. Feel free to use your favorite seasonings. You can also use...
If you order a tuna melt in a New Jersey diner, you'll get something very similar to this! My method of topping the tuna salad with cheese FIRST, then...
This is my take on the oft requested miso-glazed, black cod, made famous by chef Nobu Matsuhisa. In addition to a taste and texture to die for, this is...
I improvised this salmon casserole with items I had on hand in my pantry. I've never been big on casseroles (if you've had my mom's cooking, you'd understand...
Don't let the list of ingredients fool you: this is super-easy, and gets rave reviews whenever I serve it. The salsa can be made the day ahead to save...
This is one of my 'go to' recipes and it takes only about 15 minutes from start to finish. The only prep work really is mashing the garlic. The sauce is...