Turn your hand to making your own pasta with this homemade ravioli. It's stuffed with a creamy ricotta and spinach filling and tossed in sage butter to...
"A friend gave me the recipe for this traditional favorite. It's her Italian mother-in-law's recipe from the old country, and it tastes wonderful," writes...
When I was expecting our third child, this was one of the meals I put in the freezer ahead of time. We now have four kids and they all like these rich...
Try this homey and comforting casserole for an alternate main dish at Thanksgiving. The spinach adds nice color, and the red pepper flakes add a pleasant,...
Convenient prebaked crust makes this tasty taco pizza as easy as can be. It's a great recipe, especially if you have teenagers. I keep the ingredients...
This simple apricot chicken is one of my favorite dishes. Everybody just loves it and leftovers are always just as good the next day. For variation, I've...
A great all rounder Asian Marinade that infuses chicken with sweet/savoury flavours. This Asian chicken can be grilled, baked or cooked on the stove! MINIMUM...
Stir-fry noodles on a cooking show caught my eye. I ran with the idea and loaded it with veggies. Now it's our favorite hurry-up meal. -Beverly Norris,...
"This delicious match receives rave reviews each time I make them and I've shared the recipes with numerous fans," writes Ann Berger Osowski from Orange...
Here's what you need: frying steak, cornflour, chinese 5 spice, salt, pepper, oil, red chilis, spring onion, ginger, red bell pepper, garlic paste, soy...
We tested dozens of different methods to fried chicken and we finally found what we think is the crispiest and juiciest version. The first step is to dry...
In Rome, we dined near the Pantheon. The amazing restaurant is now history, but its memory lives on in this tasty pasta with mushrooms and sausage. -Barbara...
Using Catalina salad dressing to make this family favorite helps keep the prep time to only 10 minutes. I like to spoon extra sauce over the baked chicken...
This pasta is a must-try smoked sausage recipe. It just tastes so good when it's hot and bubbly from the oven. The cheddar french-fried onions lend a cheesy,...
I stir up a homemade sauce for this colorful combination of tender meat, crunchy vegetables and tangy pineapple. Serve my sweet-and-sour pork over hot...
I love this recipe because of the depth of flavors and burst of colors. It's quick and easy to make. It's best when peaches are in season, but you could...
With ham, asparagus, onion and pasta in a creamy sauce, this stovetop supper is tasty enough for even your pickiest guests. It's great with penne, but...
Peggy Gandy of South Amboy, New Jersey makes the most of her zucchini harvest by baking this crowd-pleasing entree. The golden-brown pies slice so beautifully...
My husband likes Mexican food and casseroles, so I combined the two. This chicken with poblanos and chiles satisfies our craving for dinner at a Mexican...
My family loves this versatile pork dish. We like to have it over a serving of cheesy grits, but it also goes well with rice or potatoes. Leftovers make...
Pan-roasting garlic cloves turns them into rich, creamy deliciousness. This chicken is fantastic with crusty Italian bread or mashed potatoes on the side....
While exploring Mexican restaurants, I tasted chiles rellenos and wanted to make them at home. My husband and I teamed up to create this stuffed poblano...
One of the reasons I like to cook mostly healthy food is so I can justify the occasional dish like this one. Plus, any one-skillet meal where the pasta...
"I never have leftovers when I prepare this hearty crowd-pleaser," notes Brenda Richardson, Rison, Arkansas. "It's my son's favorite, and my husband and...
When I was a bachelor, I really began experimenting with cooking. This casserole is a recipe I created back then because it's tasty, tasty, simple and...
Grated carrots and cheese add a hint of color to this down-home classic. If there are leftovers, we use them in meat loaf sandwiches the next day! -Sandy...
I'm always up for new ways to cook salmon. In this dish, a sweet sauce gives the fish and green beans some down-home barbecue tang. Even our kids love...
The kicked-up marinade on these shrimp makes this a flavor-packed dish. Serve over rice, and make sure to squeeze those charred lemons over top-that makes...
This spicy blackened chicken packs a one-two punch of flavor. The grilled chicken is basted with a peppery white sauce-there's plenty of extra sauce left...
These golden Cornish hens, shown at right, are seasoned with basil, sage and thyme for plenty of flavor. They're simple to prepare yet make any occasion...
Chicken Marsala is one of my top-picks for Italian food. I wanted to learn how to make it myself and took about 5 different recipes and came up with my...
I love making these homemade tamales. They take a little time to make but are so worth the effort. I usually make them for Christmas, but my family wants...
On our busy ranch, we often need meals we can put on the table in a hurry. This all-in-one chicken dish - with its delicate lemon flavor - fits the bill...
You'll never believe a dish this scrumptious, comforting and impressive-looking could be made with just five ingredients! It offers such an easy way to...
My husband has a hearty appetite, our two kids never tire of pizza and I grow lots of zucchini, so this tasty tomato casserole is absolutely tops with...