Sweet caramelized onions add great flavor to these rosemary-rubbed steaks. Serve them with baked potatoes and a Caesar salad. Or complement the entree...
The super-fast marinade for this salmon recipe combines maple syrup and teriyaki sauce which also creates a delicious sweet-and-sour glaze. The salmon...
This delicious stew is nothing but good for you! The chunky mixture, seasoned with chili powder and cumin, is chock-full of hearty beans, lentils and other...
Everyone's bound to want seconds of this satisfying Italian-style bake from Kelli Bucy of Red Oak, Iowa. Oregano seasons the pork sausage, macaroni and...
Tender pork has fantastic flavor when coated with a buttery sauce seasoned with garlic and herbs. This serves a lot, so I make it often for company. -Carol...
These savory shells never fail to make a big impression, even though the recipe is very easy. One or two of these shells makes a great individual serving...
I love lemon and thyme together so I decided to roast a chicken with that combo. The seasoning is simple, and the meat comes out moist and tender. -Pam...
This healthful stir-fry recipe is a family favorite. I've used a variety of meats and apples and sometimes replace the green onion with yellow onion. No...
True, a jarred sauce offers wonderful convenience. But a homemade version absolutely can't be beat! Try this versatile sauce over pasta, in a lasagna or...
Stuffed-shells don't have to be a weekend project. This one-pan, stovetop-only version turns mushroom-and-spinach stuffed shells into an easy weeknight...
Sautéing is another fast way to make a meal, especially when the pan juices are turned into a sweet and savory sauce, as they are here. This comforting...
I've liked the chicken and artichoke combo for a long time. Here's my own lemony twist. With all the praise it gets, this dinner is so much fun to serve....
My family loves meat loaf-and this one in particular. I created this bacon meatloaf after trying and adjusting many other recipes over the years. Cheddar...
"My grandmother gave me the recipe for these moist golden chicken breasts topped with a tangy butter sauce made with chives, parsley and basil," says Irene...
Here's what you need: oil, chicken breasts, red bell pepper, green bell pepper, yellow bell pepper, onion, salt, pepper, chili powder, cumin, garlic powder,...
My mom made this lasagna for special occasions, such as birthdays. When she passed, I inherited her cookbooks-tucked inside one of them, I found this recipe...
This rich, hearty beef stew has a garden full of flavor with vegetables like cabbage, rutabaga and carrots. Mom knew this main dish is one that would suit...
"My husband is so fond of this dish that I often double the recipe," reports Donna Warner of Tavares, Florida. "I mix the leftovers with macaroni and cheese...
Our son, a restaurant owner, showed me how to make this quick shrimp and noodle dish zipped up with garlic and cayenne. I take advantage of this area's...
To ring in the New Year, we invite friends for dinner. A menu featuring tender prime rib is festive, yet simple to prepare. A pepper rub and mild horseradish...
Basic skillet-cooked chicken gets a slightly sweet kick with this fresh, fun raspberry sauce. It's great over rice, too. -Anita H. Hennesy, Hagerstown,...
Here's my favorite roast recipe, complete with an easy lesson on how to butterfly and stuff the meat with mouthwatering filling. Just follow the directions...
Made with a classic Chinese stir fry sauce, this is a great recipe to use up whatever leftover greens you have in the fridge! Instead of making this Sauce,...
"This cheesy chicken and pasta dish freezes well, so you can take one casserole to a potluck and save the second for another time," suggests Debbi Smith...
Here's what you need: unsalted butter, all-purpose flour, milk, rotisserie chicken, frozen pea and carrot, frozen pearl onion, small potato, kosher salt,...
I like to make these baked pork chops with apples for company because it can be assembled ahead of time and popped in the oven when guests arrive. Apples...
This is my husband's favorite casserole, and he requests it often. He loves the combination of zesty Italian meat and three types of cheese, which together...
Brunswick stew dates back to the 1860s, when it was served as a complete meal. We now use it as an accompaniment to barbecues. It is delicious picnic fare...
After a full day of teaching and coaching, I'm often too tired to spend a lot of time preparing dinner. So I rely on this thick, chunky blend that I can...
Gather zucchini from your garden or farmers market and start cooking. My family goes wild for this wholesome casserole. You can grate the zucchini if you'd...
Cheese and bacon don't usually come "light." But this tasty recipe keeps the fat and calories low and flavor high. This family friendly chicken bacon recipe...
I have fond memories of growing up in an Irish-Italian family and learning to cook from my grandparents. Beefy stew reminds me of their precious contributions....
Pork sausage, ground beef and plenty of beans make this chili a marvelous meal. I keep serving-size containers of it in my freezer at all times so I can...
On cold or rainy days, this comforting beans and rice dish really fills the tummy. Sometimes I switch up pinto beans for kidney beans or use white rice...