Let the fresh English asparagus shine in this simple spring dish. The combination of contrasting tastes and textures gives added depth, serve with a bowl...
Evoke memories of the seaside by using seaweed flakes or nori sushi sheets to enhance this salmon dish, complemented by a smoky, cucumber and samphire...
Millet polenta is as comforting as it gets. In season you can use fresh tomatoes in the topping, but canned will work just fine. You could also make this...
These winter vegetables sweeten with roasting and contrast beautifully with the chipotle-spiked cooked tomato salsa. It's another easy do-ahead dish that...
The inspiration for this minestrone was a bag of Rancho Gordo Royal Corona beans that I have had in my pantry for a while. Royal Coronas are large white...
Jessica Koslow, the owner of Sqirl in Los Angeles, started making rice bowls as way to showcase Kokuho Rose brown rice, a particularly nutty and perfumed...
Easy, healthful and infinitely adaptable, grain bowls are equally ideal for feeding a family (picky eaters can build it to suit their own tastes) and using...
The best taco consists of a warm corn tortilla with a spoonful or two of savory filling. That's it! If you're feeling extravagant, add a drizzle of salsa...
I had envisioned serving this savory mix of mushrooms over a bowl of farro, and farro - or brown rice or barley, for that matter - would certainly work...
Bright, bold and richly flavored, these are not your typical fish cakes. That flavor is layered into every step: the fish is browned with some garlic,...
I always include at least three elements in my grain bowls: the grains, the topping and something to garnish the topping, usually a protein, often a poached...
The earthy, fruity, spicy, though not especially fiery "little red" mole -- one of Oaxaca's seven classic sauces -- is cooked separately and seared onto...
At once homey and inspired, this recipe from Diana Henry lifts stewed lentils out of the quotidian by topping them with harissa-roasted plum tomatoes,...