Brownie, meet cheesecake. Cheesecake, meet brownie. Two of America's most beloved desserts combine to create a showstopper of a sweet. Now you never have...
I got this recipe from a friend, and as always, I changed a few things. Her recipe called for melted butter, but I liked the texture better when it was...
With oats, butter, and mostly all brown sugar, you are guaranteed a soft and chewy oatmeal cookie. Use this perfect oatmeal cookie as the base for other...
We eat this colorful, moist cake at our women's church meetings. It's really easy to make and very tasty. The almond flavoring really blends well with...
Springform pans aren't just for cheesecake. Use one to bake this rich chocolate cake, and indulge in every sweet chocolate-raspberry bite. I haven't tried...
Successful Baking for Flavor and Texture (1934) won me over with its gorgeous pink cover. I found a simple coffee cake recipe there and I substituted oil...
Quick & easy to put together for a last minute dessert. Served warm with Ice Cream it is comfort food desert at it's best. Got the recipe off a box of...
Italian plums are good to eat, but even better to bake with. They aren't quite as juicy or sweet as their American cousins, but they keep their shape well...
Today is the day to step away from store-bought versions and step up with the know-how to make pecan shortbread cookies from your own kitchen! Full of...
This is a simple, lovely way to serve fresh summer berries. I made this for brunch today and found it a refreshing end to the meal. This dish could also...
My grandpa taught me how to make these authentic Dutch windmill cookies, using his wood cookie forms that have passed through the generations. Today, they...
Nothing says "fall" quite like an apple cider doughnut, and with this easy bundt, you get a crowd-friendly version of everyone's favorite seasonal treat....
This is the absolutely traditional version of the delicious and easy-to-make dessert which graces the Sunday lunch-table of many a British family across...
These donuts were inspired by the freshly fried donuts Chef Solomonov enjoys eating at the Jersey Shore boardwalk. Egg yolks, buttermilk, and melted butter...
There are similar versions to this cookie, but I truly think that if you make mine like directed, you will find that these are the best. They will melt...
The riper the bananas you use in this beautiful chocolate bundt cake, the more flavour they'll have. A silky smooth peanut butter and caramel topping provides...