This pie crust is delicious for all pies. with all the butter in it, this crust always bakes perfectly, and is never tough. i got this from my Grandmother....
If you're looking for a flavorful, creamy, and easy fruit dip, look no further. You only need four ingredients and five minutes to whip up this Easy Fruit...
My family went through an oatmeal phase one brutal winter when we all wanted a nice hot bowl of oatmeal for breakfast every day. Except for Buddy Jr.,...
Ever whanted a classic yellow cake recipe thats moist, delicious, and tender? Your search ends here. This is an easy yet sophisticated cake that goes great...
This extraordinarily silky version of buttercream gets its texture and soft sweetness from marshmallow creme and is one of the Betty Crocker™ Kitchen's...
These pies are perfect for people who deep-fry their turkeys on Thanksgiving. Instead of wasting leftover oil, use it for dessert! These pies can be made...
These were cookies my aunt made all the time when I was little--worth the wait and very good! I have never made them with nuts, but I'm sure they are good...
I found this recipe about 25 years ago in a magazine. I realize it isn't a "from scratch" recipe, but sometimes you want something a bit out of the ordinary...
My aunt made this for Easter, and everyone loved leftovers:(It is very simple and makes a nice presentation. I am not a big fan of mandarin oranges,...
This ice cream pie can be kept in the freezer for several days, allowing you to sneak delicious little wedges whenever the need arises! And boy, oh, boy...will...
These crisp, chocolate-studded biscotti are good the day you bake them, but they taste even better the next day. For a double coffee hit, serve with a...
When our restaurant Tru won its first 4-star review, my partners and I thanked the staff with a "staff meal" of caviar, champagne and foie gras. So when...
This cookie is a must during the Holidays. Simple to make. You can vary the recipe by replacing walnuts with cashews, pecan or some time I mix in chocolate...
If you like lemon, you're going to love this cake! Saw this recipe being made by the Barefoot Contessa on FoodTV and just had to have it. Not being overly...
This is one of our favorite cake recipes, originally published in Cooking from Quilt Country by Marcia Adams. I modified the caramel sauce a bit and increased...