This warm and hearty chicken dinner is perfect for the fall. Onions are simmered in apple cider and chicken stock before being baked with chicken thighs,...
A mixture of pasta, broccoli, pesto, tomatoes and cheese that is practically a meal in itself, especially with the cooked chicken. Great served with crusty...
These wings are baked, not fried, which simplifies the prep. The recipe was adapted from The Anchor Bar in Buffalo, the bar where these wings were originally...
When you prepare crisp, golden cutlets in advance and stockpile them in your freezer, you open up all kinds of options for speedy dinners. To kick off...
This recipe appeared in the Chicago Tribune on 4/17/02. The dish has turned out to be extremely popular but be advised that it's very spicy when the recipe...
The sauce for this chicken has such an explosion of flavors--you'll want to lick the plate when you are done. It's sweet, sour, spicy and savory--and it...
This chicken is quick, simple, delicious and has an elegant presentation! If you don't have prosciutto handy you can use bacon. Make it really special...
This gratin is decidedly autumnal, inspired by a recipe from one of my favorite food writers, Richard Olney. Olney's chicken gratin calls for making a...
I was surprised not to find a recipe on Allrecipes for a Philly-style Chicken Cheese Steak so I decided to create and publish one. Depending on who you...
Yet another recipe from the local paper that I want to try ... some day. I did try this recently and we all really liked it. Next time I think I'll place...
Certain dishes have a special place in my heart and this is one of them. The first real restaurant job I had in San Francisco was at a small place called...
The stewed tomatoes and jalapeno pepper give this slow cooker recipe its Creole zing, along with seasoning and other veggies. This is an easy and tasty...
This is a yummy recipe that any cheese or casserole lover will adore! It's super easy to make, as most casseroles are. It's also a fun recipe to play around...
This recipe is an unusual dish that all the family loves and is requested by all from the smallest to the adults. Don't let the 'lentil' ingredient scare...
These are served in every restaurant in the Middle East. You can easily make them at home and make them taste just as good, if not better. Don't substitute...
This is a lovely recipe for chinese style chicken balls. Serve with warm sweet and sour sauce and you could have ordered from a chinese food restaurant....
Poached chicken has much more flavor and a better taste than boiled chicken. If you want to eat more lean protein, give this recipe a try. I like to eat...
The beauty of this recipe is it's fast to make, requires minimal ingredients, and results in a juicy chicken breast. The bonus: if you pop some veggies...
Want to cook whole chicken quicker and more evenly? Remove the backbone with a knife or kitchen scissors to flatten the chicken. The breast meat doesn't...
I work in a corporate office, and our cafe has a 'wrap station' every Friday and these are a huge hit with everyone. I got hooked so I watched closely...
Chicken breasts baked with cinnamon and other seasonings. This is a recipe that I created while working at a flight kitchen. We had cinnamon in the spice...
I replaced my regular toaster oven with a convection toaster oven a few years ago and I have to say it was the best thing I could have done. I have used...
A creamy chicken, wild rice, and mushroom casserole. This elegant, tasty recipe may be made in advance and baked right before company arrives! It's a real...
This is one of those meals I fix when I haven't got much time. It uses ingredients I usually always have at hand. My BF loves it. Serve with pasta, rice...