Simple Chicken Parmesan is the perfect dish to lure kids into the kitchen - what kid doesn't like chicken tenders and spaghetti? And this dish is loaded...
Very flavorful chicken and asparagus dish with almost a hollandaise-inspired flavor with a little crunch from the Panko breadcrumbs. Quick and easy to...
The beginning of fall comes with an abundance of apples, which means it's time to start baking! But more than pies, apples roast extremely well with chicken!...
A truly easy and superb lemon-rosemary chicken dish with amazing flavor. Best served with fresh green beans and light and fluffy garlic mashed potatoes,...
I have had chicken in white wine cream sauce at a local restaurant and found it was probably my favorite chicken dish. I have searched in vain for a recipe...
This is a tried-and-tested recipe! I remember seeing an ad on TV about cooking with mayonnaise and decided to give it a shot. I've made it with just the...
This recipe was adapted from the recipe I found on the back of a Best Food Mayonaise jar. The mayonaise helps provide a moist piece of chicken and helps...
Quick skillet chicken flavored with peppers, onions, garlic, basil and balsamic vinegar. Makes chicken very tender and dinner is ready in less than 30...
These wings are easy to make and taste delicious. They turn out slightly crispy outside and tender inside. You can use your favorite barbeque sauce so...
Made completely from scratch! Boneless chicken breasts are seasoned with rosemary and sauteed in broth, then added to savory ingredients for a homemade...
This is a second version of another member's yummy casserole. It has all the creamy and wonderful flavor of chicken cordon bleu with a little of the fat...
I'm always looking for really simple-but-delicious chicken recipes. My friend and colleague Paul Grimes, who is an amazing cook (and a food stylist to...
Starting with a homemade red sauce, these Tex-Mex enchiladas are faster and easier to make than their Mexican forefathers, but still so delicious. This...
These low-carb, keto-friendly chicken thighs are basted with a tangy and rich butter sauce. They are easy enough for a weeknight meal and guaranteed to...
Seasoned fried chicken is served with a rich gravy made from the pan drippings. It's down home goodness that's definitely not for dieters! Takes some preparation,...
Chicken pieces and rice baked slowly in milk and cream of chicken soup. A simple, creamy casserole. You can also use a whole (2 to 3 pound) chicken, cut...
My father would make this when I was a child. When I make it now, it reminds me of home. It is a milk, rich and creamy recipe. My family's all time favorite!...
Serve our Three-Cheese Chicken Penne Pasta Bake and savor the compliments! With spinach, basil and three types of cheese, this chicken pasta bake can't...
Delicious and tender grilled chicken on a bed of lettuce, tomato and mayo sandwiched between two slices of toasted French bread. Bacon and provolone cheese...
This cumin- and paprika-spiced number gets added punch from an addictively tangy green sauce and a crisp, bright avocado and cucumber salad. Spatchcocking-an...
This is always a hit when I make it for dinner parties and Boxing Day dinner because the chicken is always fall-off-the-bone juicy and people love the...
Not being a big fan of Barbecue, but Loving a man who LOVES it, i have to give in once in a while. Here's my take ( and I think Ry's favorite), on the...
Whenever you make breaded and fried chicken, it disappears almost immediately. Try our foolproof three-step method for perfect results every time, then...
This meal is so comforting and family friendly. My kids eat every morsel on their plates. This is also a super economical way to feed a family or a large...
Chicken and paprika are considered an especially winning combination all over the world. This basic Paprika Chicken recipe is so easy, yet so good. Enjoy!...
The amounts listed are only a guideline since I don't even bother measuring please feel free to adjust all ingredients to suit taste but please try not...
The easiest Chicken Cacciatore yet! Throw it in the Crock-Pot and run all day to come home to the savory smells coming from your kitchen. Spice it up to...
These oven-"fried" chicken thighs are a perfect go-to dinner. They are budget friendly and can be turned into a compete meal served over rice, quinoa,...