This recipe comes from a 1968 recipe book titled,"Favorite Recipes From Church of GOD Ladies". Each of the recipes has the ladies' name and home town and...
If you're looking for a coconut treat or an easy edible gift to give friends, you need to try these candies. Easy to make, the filling is creamy, decadent,...
This chocolate fudge recipe is not for the wee leprechauns. But, the older leprechauns are sure to enjoy this recipe! The alcohol-infused fudge is easy...
I wanted to use up all the candy I had in my pantry, so I put it all on the counter and created these great tasting chocolates. My husband adores chocolate...
Have been making this candy for years. everyone waits every christmas to get some. I saw a few recipes on the site that are the same but just a bit different...
Scrumptious homemade Chocolate Covered Cherries are a cinch to make with just a handful of ingredients. They always look so incredibly beautiful on my...
My niece gave me this recipe,I'm not sure but I think she got this out of Taste Of Home. It is soooo delicious. If you like orange sherbet you will love...
These are so easy to make! I made them for our Christmas Eve party. They're so pretty and perfect for any Christmas treat table. FOR TINTING - Don't use...
I found this chocolate walnut fudge recipe many years ago and I will also be posting the other two that were with this same recipe.. peanut butter fudge...
I saw this recipe on Taste of Home recipe website. I stopped dead in my tracks and knew I had to make a copy to put on here. This recipe is posted especially...
I found this recipe on the back of a package of Guittard white baking chips nearly 25 years ago, and it's the only fudge recipe I've used since. Half of...
I found this on a marshmallow creme container. I didn't have the 4 and 1/2 cups of sugar so just used 2 and 1/2. It turned out very smooth and creamy and...
Back in the early 1970's I got my first Microwave. It was big and costly, but I "had" to have one. Of course now we can't live with out it. I remember...
We have here a fudge like peanut cluster. This is not only one of Gramma Bea's favorite treats it is one Jan asked for often when she was sick. At one...
This is as close to English toffee as I have ever tasted. I have a great sister-in-law that shared this one with me several years ago and it has been one...
These taste smooth, rich and decadent, and a lot like chocolate cheesecake. I am guessing you could use any type of coating such as peanut butter chips...
When I saw this recipe I thought it was so cute, I just had to make them! They were a pain to make, but when my kids said "Awwwwe", that made it all worth...
This is one of those snacks that you just can't stop eating! I made this to bring to a party and it was gone very quickly! This recipe was posted on the...
This easy microwave Peanut Butter Fudge Recipe has four ingredients and is prepped in about ten minutes. This foolproof fudge requires no candy thermometer...
Did you know that Almond Roca is a brand of candy. It's a chocolate-covered, almond butter crunch or a hard toffee with a coating of ground almonds that...
I usually make my fudge with all the stove top cooking and marshmallow cream and the whole nine yards and it's the best recipe in the world for fudge,...