Adapted from Nora Daza's Let's Cook with Nora cookbook, the basic sans rival recipe consists of three cashew nut meringue layers and a rum-flavored French...
To make the best use of your time, prepare the deceptively delicious cherry sauce while the corn cake is baking. The cake is best served either warm or...
This Black Forest Poke Cake is a gooey chocolate cake filled with hot fudge and cherry pie filling. It is topped with fresh whipped cream and chocolate...
Choose a mild, not-too-peppery olive oil for this tender cake; something fruity will complement the lemony sweetness, but an assertively bitter oil will...
Old Fashioned Chocolate Maraschino Cherry Cake is the best homemade Chocolate Cake. This cake is wonderfully delicious combination of chocolate cake, maraschino...
A childhood favorite treat turned into a cake! Fudgey layers of chocolate with a graham cracker crust baked right in, filled with chocolate ganache, and...
Forget about store-bought sprinkles. These naturally dyed, hot pink sprinkles are more vibrant in color; plus, they taste just like raspberry lemonade....
"The most memorable meals of my childhood are those that my grandmother brought to us - my mother was not a cook and certainly not a baker. My grandmother...
Mint Chocolate Poke Cake made with a cake mix, hot fudge, chocolate pudding and a mint flavored whipped cream topped with chopped Andes mints. Decadent...
A Victoria Sponge with a fresh cream and strawberry jam filling. This classic cake uses very few store cupboard ingredients and is very easy to make. It's...