This is another simple Thai dessert that turns savory ingredients into a sweet treat. It is best to use corn when it is in season because it is at its...
If your thing is Asian food...then this one is for you, don't let the ingredients fool you, this dish is quite simple to prepare, and is it ever good!...
A friend gave me his personal recipe for teriyaki pork ribs years ago. This is now the only recipe I will use. They are so tender and juicy and just melt...
This nutty, garlicky treasure appears frequently in Thai soups and stews. I really brings a simple bowl of noodles to or brothy soup to sparkling life....
My vegetarian sweet and sour meatball recipe is the most requested recipe from my kitchen! These are delicious and the perfect size for the main appetizer...
Submitted in a Garden Club Cookbook by the President of the Hiawatha Garden Club in Seattle, Washington, Mrs. N.J. Jackson. The hen marinates for 1 hour...
Tender chicken morsels in an easy and delicious sauce made with fresh ginger and plum sauce. I use snow peas and mushrooms, but you can add whatever veggies...
I live in Cambodia, and from January to May the markets are always full of ripe juicy mangoes. The problem is, I've never really found a way to use them...
This recipe has less sugar and fat than most butter mochi recipes. Baking for 90 minutes seems a lot, but it makes the crust nice and crispy. Extra coconut...
This recipe uses quinoa which is gluten-free, high in protein and fiber, and has a nice nutty flavor. But you can always substitute for either rice or...
This is a very flavourful and fresh tasting recipe for chicken with fresh herbs. It is a welcome change from heavy spiced chicken curries. This curry tastes...
From The Spice Who Love Me site. "Yes, you can call them "Chennai" Noodles as well :) " After looking at Chef#953275 kind review I have increased the soy...
This isn't a classic indian dish, it's one that i have brought together in the style of my favourite tandoori and tikka dry-cooking dishes. Serve it with...
I created this recipe because my family just loves the dynamite dishes served in sushi restaurants. It's a hit for all ages! This would even be great on...
This is a creamy and simple cheesecake with the addition of green tea powder to give it a taste of the Orient! Green tea powder can be found at Asian grocery...
This recipe was inspired by a tofu burrito that I tried at a local restaurant. It is the perfect combination of flavors: salty, sweet, and a little bit...
Originally from the Lemon Grass Restaurant's cookbook "The Best of Vietnamese & Thai Cooking". Have made a few changes. Use as a chicken marinade for the...
Easy and delicious Asian-inspired pasta dish. Your favorite pasta with a smooth and spicy peanut sauce. Serve warm or cold. Also excellent tossed with...
This is a quick and easy meal to do, it tastes great and is a nice light meal. Please note: I cooked this in a wok so if you are using a large frying pan,...
Lamb is simmered in a spicy tomato and cream sauce. This is a very mouthwatering dish that is easy to make. Serve with hot cooked rice or your favorite...
This spice mixture is a key ingredient in many Singapore poultry and meat dishes. This mixture works for fish and shellfish dishes but use only 1/3 the...
This curry takes advantage of pre-made curry paste and it cooks in the Instant Pot®. If you don't have coconut sugar, use brown sugar or palm sugar. Serve...
A spicy crab curry cooked with hot Indian spices, sliced red onion, and sliced potatoes (what we Bengalis call Chocchori Aloo.) It's best eaten with hot...
I kind of altered and combined 2 recipes to make this. The pork recipe is an alteration of toejigogi kui, a spicy Korean pork dish. Instead of serving...
Chinese hand-pulled noodles, a tradition from Lanzhou in northwest China, require just 3 ingredients and a lot of patience to make. Called lamian, you...
Simply toss with your meat/fish/tofu for 20 mins or longer if you can. Will keep for 3 days in the fridge. If you can't find five spice paste it is so...