This pork chop recipe has a great flavor using Chinese five-spice powder. If you can find sweet potato powder, use it instead of cornstarch. Serve this...
This mild, delicately fragrant curry has a rich creamy sauce that sure to be a winner. Serve with plain boiled rice or warm naan bread. This chicken korma...
This is a version of the popular 'Butter Chicken' recipe found in most Indian restaurants. I adapted it from a delicious sauce recipe in one of my cookbooks...
Tapioca pearls are a nice hearty alternative to glutinous rice in desserts. This recipe uses small tapioca pearls and tender coconut to make a lovely and...
DH and I made this for dinner a couple of nights ago and really enjoyed the combination of ginger and soy with the swordfish. From Keiko O Aoki's "Easy...
Just cooked our first shrimp of the season and thought I'd give this simple recipe a try....A rangoon using shrimp instead of crabmeat. Yum! Soy sauce,...
This is a quick and easy, but very tasty meal. You can substitute the chicken with beef or pork for variety. My wife and I absolutely love this recipe,...
A yummy stir-fry that's quick and easy to make, this one's sure to impress! Pork, vegetables, and peaches are stir-fried over high heat to produce a dish...
This is a really simple chicken jalfrezi recipe that comes out beautifully in the slow cooker without much prep. You can make it as spicy as you want -...
This crispy, fried, shrimp dish, similar to Japanese Tempura, is flavored with Indian spices and then coated with Cream of Rice to make them especially...
A traditional Iranian beverage, wonderfully refreshing on a hot summer day. Great for outdoor events since you can make it weeks ahead of time and dilute...
This is an easy and authentic-tasting Indian dish that the entire family will love! Tastes great with plain basmati rice topped with a couple tablespoons...
I went web-surfing to see if I could find a recipe for homemade pancakes to go along with Toni Gifford's Moo Shu Vegies #137090 because I wanted an authentic...
This recipe for Vietnamese chicken includes sugar to create a sweet and savory dish with a hit of spice from generous amounts of fresh ginger, red pepper,...
Was watching the Essence of Emeril when I saw him prepare these, and they looked so good! Here they are; am posting for safe keeping, and hope to be able...
Spicy marinated pork prepared in authentic Korean style. Serve this tasty and popular dish with white rice and an array of vegetable sides. This tastes...
I love the spicy, savory taste of Korean bibimbap, but I couldn't find a recipe here. I looked online and talked to some Korean friends, and this was the...
I wanted to use my mochiko flour and found this recipe online from the Honolulu advisor. I tweaked it by adding less sugar and skipping the coconut and...
It is a traditional Persian cuisine with an aromatic flavor. You can omit the ground beef if you want it vegetarian. Serve it with shirazi salad it will...
I was looking for a new way to serve pork to my family that was quick and easy. I altered several different recipes to our tastes and finally came up with...
USe 12 large prawns for this recipe to make 4 skewers. You can use smaller prawns but you will need to increase the quantity used. This recipe can be gluten-free...
Lots of flavor packed in this Indian-spiced curry! This recipe is very adaptable and can be made to fit your preferences. You can also change up the veggies...
This is a North Indian style of chicken curry. Serve garnished with sprigs of fresh coriander. If possible, purchase dried red chile peppers or ground...
This is a wonderful fusion dish that seems advanced and complicated but is SO easy to make (and sure to impress)! Please use the highest quality, sushi-grade...
This chicken has an Indian flair to it, but it is mild and will be loved by anyone who loves the flavor of cilantro. It requires some work so it is only...