These Galbi-inspired Korean short ribs are incredibly easy to make and very tasty. They can be served with sticky white rice and lettuce wraps and pair...
These tasty morsels are always popular as an appetizer and team well with the sweet chili dipping sauce. Add more chilies to the sauce if you like it hot!...
This is a very light version of a cheesecake that I learned from a friend in Japan. A perfect recipe for people looking for something sweet to top off...
This shrimp lo mein is easy to prepare and tastes wonderful! Can double the sauce if you like more. Can add additional water or broth to sauce if you like...
Strips of tender beef accompanied by a flavorful sauce, noodles, and vegetables are done in under an hour. I buy my lo mein noodles at a local Asian food...
This is Sichuan-style pork stir-fry. Pork plays a major role in many Asian cuisines, where it is prepared in seemingly endless ways. This dish is super...
I remember eating at Spago in the early 1980s when I was in law school in LA (this was a treat) and I was in my 20s loving every minute of it. Faye Dunaway...
This combination of sweet and salty is awesome on salmon, which is baked in the oven. Serve it with some veggies and quinoa for a healthy dinner. Adapted...
A completely delightful dish for two or a really smart appetizer! Ginger and cilantro liven this French classic fusing it with a Southwest Asian flare....
Working on my Indian cooking for the moment. Although very little pork is consumed in India, this dish is a specialty of Goan cooking, and vindaloo dishes...
Here's a delightful dish I adapted from a non-vegetarian recipe. It's extremely easy to prepare in the crock pot. Deliciously creamy, it can be served...
An Asian chicken recipe without the typical oriental taste. This recipe was voted one of the top 10 dishes in Columbus by Columbus Monthly Magazine, as...
North Indian in origin, I was very grateful to have found this recipe. It is very similar to what was served to us by our Bengali neighbors years ago!...
Teriyaki sauce is made with sake or mirin, soy sauce, and sugar. It's mixed with fresh ginger and minced chicken to make these sweet and delicious chicken...
Juicy, tender quail your whole family will enjoy. Double the recipe as they will surely ask for seconds and thirds! Serve with jasmine rice or a crisp...
This is a traditional Korean dish and a different method of preparing korean short ribs (galbi). The sweet marinade and tender meat will fall right off...
The deep flavors and piquant aromas of southern Indian cooking come to life in this recipe. Chicken simmers in a yogurt and tomato sauce rich with herbs...
Grilled flank steak with a wonderful Asian marinade! A friend from Minneapolis emailed me this recipe, knowing I would like it, and she was right! Prep...
This is a Chinese national dish...every family has their own recipe. This is my recipe and it's best with white rice! It's super easy and never lets you...
Tehri was originally concocted by kings in northern India as a vegetarian equivalent to the Mughals' mutton or chicken biryani. This modern-day version...
I made up this mixture on a whim and wow! These are definitely the best hamburgers I've ever had and everyone who's had them says the same. The spices...
One of my family's favorite meals! We vary the toppings by sometimes using cabbage slaw and other times broccoli slaw. Super healthy and low in fat! We've...
There are so many versions of this street food found in Thailand. Mine has been in our family for years, and we serve it with a tangy sweet chili sauce...
After having Miso Salmon with Sake Butter at a favorite restaurant I immediately became obsessed with recreating this amazing dish at home. This is it!...
A staple for me in college, this is a sweet, salty, nutty dish that can be cooked up in less than 15 minutes. Measurements for the sauce can be adjusted...
This dish is the real deal, with sesame seeds and oil, veggies, rice wine and spices. A marinated stir-fry chicken dish that will loudly proclaim, 'Open,...
This is from Stir-Fries Best-Ever Wok and Pan Recipes. If you can't get fresh sugar snap peas use either thawed frozen ones or snow peas. corected for...
Chicken thighs are always juicy and tender but this asian inspired glaze recipe was an absolute crowd pleaser and we will definitely be making it again...
Inspired by the flavors of our favorite Asian takeout, here's a recipe that uses canned pineapple tidbits, with the usual veggies. In order to make it...
This Filipino dish is rich in flavor due to the slow cooking of the beef with all the ingredients. The beef can be cooked to tenderness a day before, so...
Street-style garlicky Thai pork skewers with lots of sweet and savory umami flavor. These are excellent broiled or grilled and served over rice noodles...
Easy and affordable, this is great to fix when your family is craving a specialty-type burger. Prepared with canned salmon, this recipe offers an easy...
If 'teri' means 'shine,' and 'yaki' refers to grilling, then these chicken skewers are the poster children for teriyaki. Marinated in soy sauce, sake,...