A crisp cucumber and fresh herb salad makes a light yet vibrant companion to this golden dish. A squeeze of fresh lime juice and a dollop of yogurt added...
Assemble this easy sausage, egg, and cheese casserole the night before you plan to bake it. Then toss it straight from the fridge into the oven-no need...
"I literally didn't know how to boil an egg until I was in my 20's - when I tried to impress a guy by making dinner for him," writes Sally Siegel of Pittsburgh,...
Yogurt gets used in two ways in this simple dinner party-worthy chicken dish: as a tenderizing marinade and mixed with the pan juices to create a rich...
An easy Lamb Souvlaki recipe with Yogurt-Garlic Sauce. This dish, created by Jim Botsacos, executive chef at New York City's Molyvos restaurant, is a winner....
A great way to use very ripe bananas, this easy-to-make cake incorporates everything you love about banana bread and adds a few more favorites-chocolate,...
Chicken legs are seared until golden-brown and then slowly braised in yogurt spiked with garlic, ginger, and lots of spices until falling-off-the-bone...
Traditional shawarma calls for roasting meat on a large vertical spit. We mimic the effect here by roasting at a high temperature, which yields chicken...
If you can't find the Moroccan spice blend at the supermarket, combine 1 tablespoon ground cumin with 1/4 teaspoon each of ground coriander, cinnamon,...
This dish is truly indestructible because the cutlets marinate in lots of yogurt, olive oil, and salt. That way they stay juicy, briny, and flavorful....
This one-pan dinner gets topped with yogurt sauce, radishes, and pomegranate seeds to add a fun layer of fresh tartness to the sweetly spiced pork and...