This crusty, raisin-studded bread can be made with just a few pantry items. It takes little hands-on time to prepare and will make your house smell like...
This gooey cinnamon pull apart recipe will impress everyone in your family! It is an easy (and I mean EASY), fast, and tasty modification of my boyfriend's...
Very low fat breakfast rolls with fresh orange, dried cranberries, honey, and cardamom. I really like these rolls any time of day. Good plain or with an...
This small, sweet fried doughnut has an indent in the center, rather than a hole. It's then covered with powdered sugar and filled with whipped cream....
This is a hand-shaped, filled yeast bread that my 2-year-old daughter loves to help prepare. The dough can be made ahead and refrigerated, then baked in...
These are pancakes and a traditional favorite from the North Staffordshire area of England. Delicious with butter or jam! You may grind regular oatmeal...
Raised yeast waffles are the perfect breakfast treat! You may substitute buttermilk for lukewarm milk, but you must add 1 teaspoon of baking soda to the...
These amazingly soft triangle-shaped donuts are very famous in East Africa where I come from. They are excellent with a cup of tea or coffee. The dash...
This gooey cinnamon pull apart recipe will impress everyone in your family! It is an easy (and I mean EASY), fast, and tasty modification of my boyfriend's...
As kids, we always put in a heart-filled request for these on Christmas Eve. It was quite a family affair - my mom would make up the dough, my dad would...
This bread uses two loaves frozen bread dough, cheese, onions, olive oil, Italian spices. Absolutely delicious, crumbled crisp bacon can be added before...
I liked the Ezekiel bread recipe on this site. I need high-protein bread, so I researched the Bible and other cookbooks and I came up with this recipe....
With a cheese-stuffed crust and an egg baked into the center, this boat-shaped Georgian bread is so fun and versatile, there's only a matter of time before...
This is a recipe I came up with after searching through many different versions. It's light and fluffy, yet still traditional, representing prosperity...
This is one of our family's traditional recipes, a regional Polish sweet bread with rice filling (From Breaking Bread: A Family History Preserved By Seven...
This is my variation on yeasted Christmas panettone with ingredients I like, but fewer calories from sugar. You do need to let the panettone rise a number...
This is an old family favorite, handed down for years, the outside of the doughnut is crisp and the inside is light and chewy. This does make a HUGE batch,...
I have adapted these yeast rolls from my grandmother's yeast bread recipe. I have increased the sugar to create a little sweeter roll than Grandma used...
A great substitute for those heavy, buttery cinnamon roll recipes. This one will blow you away. Just remember that the dough before the first rising may...
Lardy cake originates from Wiltshire, and in the West Country local bakers still make it to their own recipes, cramming in as much lard, sugar, and fruit...
With a cheese-stuffed crust and an egg baked into the center, this boat-shaped Georgian bread is so fun and versatile, there's only a matter of time before...
With a cheese-stuffed crust and an egg baked into the center, this boat-shaped Georgian bread is so fun and versatile, there's only a matter of time before...