Spicy marinated pork prepared in authentic Korean style. Serve this tasty and popular dish with white rice and an array of vegetable sides. This tastes...
Simple recipe with a few ingredients that is sure to be a crowd pleaser. It made a wonderful roast and the leftovers were turned into really tasty tacos...
I was looking for a new way to serve pork to my family that was quick and easy. I altered several different recipes to our tastes and finally came up with...
A delightful combination of flavors like red pepper, corn, and chipotle mixed with roast beef hash make a perfect filling for these street-market style...
This whole banana pie is a hit in Brazil, mainly in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Almost all the ingredients are natural, except for the margarine. It is...
This is a North Indian style of chicken curry. Serve garnished with sprigs of fresh coriander. If possible, purchase dried red chile peppers or ground...
This is one of my family's greatest recipes. It is about 30 times better than apple pie, especially if you use fresh nutmeg. You can certainly substitute...
This dish is so easy to make, and the kids can even help out. You can make this ahead of time and just pop it in the oven when you're ready! It also freezes...
I created this one night to use up some summer strawberries and some of my basil. What a refreshing and delicious summer drink! I know it sounds unusual,...
This dish has bright flavors and becomes incredibly easy too with the help of a slow cooker! I came up with this recipe with the flavors and style of cooking...
Oxtail is my favorite meal and I serve this recipe to all my friends and use it for my frozen food business. Everyone loves it. I call it God's food as...
A bit of a twist on the old Irish recipe. Loaded with a few extra vegetables, this went well with a side of bread. My husband liked it, my toddler was...
Whenever I go to Brazil I must eat at a Brazilian churrascaria and have some beef ribs. The meat is so tender and flavorful, it's hard to believe it's...
Boneless chicken breast stuffed with provolone cheese and bacon is covered with a mushroom and Irish creme sauce. Served traditionally with roasted potatoes...
This is a fairly simple to make dish that satisfies the low-carb lifestyle. When I'm feeling the need for a taco, this dish will suffice! It was so tasty...
Experience authentic Mexican flavor with this award-winning recipe. A family favorite created by my mother, enchiladas verdes explodes in your mouth with...
This is a Dutch classic and very easy to make. As I love the taste of coffee, I choose to use brewed strong coffee for this recipe, but alternatively you...
This is a simplified version of a family holiday tradition. Never a holiday goes by without this delicious treat, and soooo much easier today. Serve warm...
Lots of flavor packed in this Indian-spiced curry! This recipe is very adaptable and can be made to fit your preferences. You can also change up the veggies...
A savory authentic Massaman beef curry Thai recipe that is very similar to something you would see in a restaurant. Hearty and multi-layered, this dish...
This was invented for my boyfriend's 30th birthday party and it was a huge hit with the crowd! Fluffy angel food cake, creamy filling, and coffee liqueur....
This creamy, tart, and lightly sweet dessert is much easier to make than you might think! Serve with some fresh fruit for some added sweetness to balance...
This chicken has an Indian flair to it, but it is mild and will be loved by anyone who loves the flavor of cilantro. It requires some work so it is only...
This colourful meal combines lentils, quinoa, zucchini, and tomatoes. For a spicier dish, try garnishing with sliced chillies. If you want to cool things...
I was shown this recipe by a Navy chef who served this to presidents at Camp David, MD. I have served it to my family many times, and it is certainly fit...