My family loves this delicious, easy, budget-friendly Mexican enchilada casserole with lots of vegetables. The Herdez® Red Guajillo Chile Mexican Cooking...
White fish fillets and shrimp are marinated with achiote, orange juice, lemon, and spices, baked in the oven, and served with habanero sauce and red onion....
This recipe came from my Italian family. It is not only delicious but so quick and easy. Measurements really aren't necessary--make it your own. You can't...
This recipe was given to me by my Italian mother-in-law. It is the type of crustless cheesecake that is sold in Italian bakeries in New York. I usually...
I adapted this from a korokke recipe I frequently use. Korokke is a Japanese fried croquette made with seasoned ground meat and mashed potato. I combined...
I created this yummy salad because I love sushi, but have neither the equipment nor the patience to make sushi rolls. For the best sushi rice, a rice cooker...
This curry is absolutely delicious! I serve this to guests often and it's always a big hit. It's a mixture of veggies and shrimp in a coconut sauce, over...
In this mild Northern Indian dish, chicken is simmered in a creamy fragrant sauce with onion, garlic, ginger and cashews. Serve over basmati or sticky...
For these sweet Mexican tamales, pineapple is cooked with sugar and water so that it becomes extra soft and sweet. It tastes great in combination with...
These are decadent French chocolate wonders. Hardly any flour and unbelievably easy to do. Sometimes I make them toward the end of dinner when unexpected...
This syrup is based on an ancient Persian recipe, and it keeps virtually indefinitely without any special care. Excellent for camping, and truly refreshing...
Eggplant has its fans and its detractors. Even the most devoutly anti-eggplant zealot can't resist this savory combination of spicy eggplant, pancetta,...
Even though it is a lot of work, this kale lasagna with meat sauce is one of my favorite things to make for a crowd of people. And it's really not that...
Hatch chiles are New Mexico's gift to the world. Here are layers of Hatch chiles and melted cheese wrapped up in a coat of puffy egg and then baked instead...
This Turkish-style pizza is a Turkish flat bread layered with a fresh sauce composed of tomatoes, sweet bell peppers, and minced lamb cooked with a flavorful...
This is a very easy way to make cabbage rolls. They taste great with little work involved. I'm Polish and love them, but this recipe sure beats the lengthy...
The type of noodles used in this dish is made from sweet potato starch and translucent when cooked, hence the English name, 'glass noodles.' They are also...
Pastiera is among the most iconic of Italian desserts. Originally from Naples, it's most typical during Easter season, but it is served year around. The...
This is a great dish that is quick and easy and reheats well. Mild green chiles are filled with cheese, and wrapped in tortillas, then baked with a creamy...
This Thai-style chicken has a creamy green coconut curry sauce with just the right amount of spice, and is made quickly and easily in your Instant Pot®....
Tender beef brisket in a flavorful guajillo sauce with Mexican seasonings. This is the quick pressure cooker version of the traditional recipe from Guadalajara,...
This paella can stand alone or be served with steamed clams - and a glass of red wine should always be at hand. The rice takes between 15 and 25 minutes...
This is my husband's new favorite. I don't think we will be going back to our favorite Chinese food restaurant any time soon. Very easy. Makes four large...
Sans Rival a very yummy layered dessert. Each layer is topped with a nice amount of icing like filling and cashews on top. This recipe is definitely for...
This great cake has a ton of apples and a modest amount of sugar. Let the apples sweeten up the cake for you! This is so good. Don't add cinnamon, it wouldn't...
A wonderful Indian curry dish that is easy and quick to make. Using the base recipe, you can make several variations of this delicious comfort food. Garnish...