Juicy, tender quail your whole family will enjoy. Double the recipe as they will surely ask for seconds and thirds! Serve with jasmine rice or a crisp...
A hearty, flavorful casserole. I use boneless, skinless chicken thighs to reduce fat but you could use thighs with skin and bone for extra flavor if you...
This authentic Mexican pork carnitas recipe takes very little effort and uses only a handful of ingredients. Just the way we make it in Mexico: lots of...
This results in a sauce that seems much richer than it actually is, and I think you'll love the subtle sweetness the wine imparts, which works wonderfully...
My Italian husband says this is his absolute favorite dinner. Parmesan-coated chicken swimming in a pool of pasta and sauce with a blanket of melted shredded...
Tehri was originally concocted by kings in northern India as a vegetarian equivalent to the Mughals' mutton or chicken biryani. This modern-day version...
This the easiest recipe for tasty carnitas. Once cooked, the meat can also be shredded and mixed with BBQ sauce for incredible pulled pork sandwiches,...
Condensed milk cooked with butter and coconut flakes, formed into little candy balls makes this a favorite Brazilian recipe especially at birthday parties....
Spring veggies benefit from a quick roasting in olive oil and herbs before being tossed with penne. No cream here, just the fresh flavors of olive oil,...
One of my family's favorite meals! We vary the toppings by sometimes using cabbage slaw and other times broccoli slaw. Super healthy and low in fat! We've...
A recipe I put together based on my own personal taste. I buy an extra can of tomato sauce to serve at the table and let my guests add more sauce if they...
I love the flavor of chorizo but cannot stomach the thought of the variety meats traditionally used to make it. This is an authentic chorizo from the Mexican...
These slow cooker meatballs are Italian style but with a twist, ground chicken instead of beef. Serve over pasta of your choice or use the meatballs and...
After having Miso Salmon with Sake Butter at a favorite restaurant I immediately became obsessed with recreating this amazing dish at home. This is it!...
A chicken mixture with corn, chile peppers, cheese and sour cream gives this casserole the savory, zingy flavor of the Aztec gods: a combination of sun...
There are so many versions of this street food found in Thailand. Mine has been in our family for years, and we serve it with a tangy sweet chili sauce...
You can quickly assemble steak fajitas or a fajita steak bowl by cooking the mixture in an air fryer. The jalapeno powder is available through Savory Spice...
I found this recipe in a church cookbook my grandmother gave me for my wedding. I've adjusted it to my tastes, and my husband just loves it. It's so easy...
This is a recipe that my husband's nana has made for years. They are the easiest cookies I have ever made. The ingredients were harder to find than it...
This is a hearty main dish pie. We serve it with a green salad and a light dessert. If desired, add a few sliced jalapenos and 1/2 pound of ground beef...
I have had great success preparing tacos this way. I bought this recipe from a taqueria owner (taco restaurant) in Mexico City. I am translating the directions....
I created this dish after trying a similar dish (made with crab) at a restaurant. It's wonderful! If you like, you can garnish with additional chopped...