Quick and easy. A German side dish favorite for fried meat or fish. Sweetness comes from cooking in butter and a little sugar. I only use enough sugar...
This recipe is from Campbell's Soup (campbellsoup.ca) and it was very well received at our house. The only changes I made was to add more fresh basil and...
Authentic and tasty! I found this in a recipe book in my Grandma's library (A World of Good Eating). I haven't been able to find a reprint of the book...
Ridiculously easy to make, this shrimp is oh-so-wonderful-tasty and rich. Not for those watching your fat intake, but hey... everything in moderation,...
Once you've tried pikliz, if you're a fan of spicy food, you'll likely be addicted. But it is tough to find (outside of Haitian homes & communities). I...
Cooking summer squash low and slow yields sweet, nutty, tender-but not mushy-results. They fold into pasta beautifully, but that's just one of many ways...
Growing up in Kansas, I have enjoyed Bierocks (some call them Runzas) all my life. The yeasty Bierock (or Runza) sandwich have German-Russian roots that...
Flavored steaming water adds succulence to these. The dipping sauce is a little different from plain mayonnaise or melted butter (although those are very...
It's winter. Hothouse tomatoes taste like pink chalk. This soup, made with canned tomatoes, actually summons up a sense memory of those glorious August...
This summer my son graduated from high school, and we attended over 20 graduation parties. Needless to say, we're now broke (lol), but I also got quite...
Entered for safe-keeping, from Sean Donnellan's "Something Tastes Funny" with recipes by Naidre Miller. This cookbook is geared to new cooks and non-cooks....
You can make this ahead, cover and refrigerate fo several hours before baking. Choose small to medium-size parsnips, they are sweeter and nuttier! This...
This is an easy stir fry that is great to accompany salmon or other fish. Also a great main dish if doubled and served with white rice. Delicious as a...
What I love about this recipe is the ease of preparation. The asparagus comes out still crisp. To make things easier I use a Tupperware microwave steamer...
This is great to make at Thanksgiving...it tastes as good at room temperature as it does when it is hot, so you can move it off the stove to make room...
I knew I had an okra recipe somewhere. Felt obligated to post it for the okra fanatics out there. Have not done this for a long time. I must try it again...
I found the base for this recipe in cooking light in an ad. I'm a broccoli rabe fan and wanted to share this delicious and spicy side dish. Please adjust...
Crispy phyllo-based "strudel" with a simple mushroom duxelles filling. Can also be made into triangles for a party appetizer. Freezes nicely (unbaked)...
A spicy, crisp, fresh vegetable salad. This salad should be made several hours before it is served....to marinate the vegetables and blend the flavors....
From the Los Barrios Family Cookbook. This makes 6 main course bowls of soup. I have eaten this soup and it is wonderful. I have not made this soup at...
My mother used to make too many mashed potatoes, just so she'd have the leftovers to make these cakes. Now I do, too. They're very simple and a great way...
Tomatoes, onions, pesto and cream--doesn't get any better that. A friend gave me this recipe that comes from a local upscale restaurant called Chef's Table....
This intriguing salad is a great addition to any Asian or oriental meal. The dressing is sooooooo gooood that I'm having all the flavors in my mouth right...
I've only eaten brussel sprouts steamed, until I found this recipe. This is from my mom's 500 Low-Carb Recipes' cookbook by Dana Carpender. I added the...
This side dish is delicious with almost anything but it goes especially well with barbequed meats. If you like a little heat to your sautes, throw in a...
Wonder, rich, and something people don't expect. You will have people wanting this recipe once you serve it. There are variation at the end that makes...
This recipe is from South Beach Diet. Ordinary broccoli springs to life with this garlicky lemon-soy dressing. Serve it with any Asian-flavored dish or...
These are wonderful to serve as an appetizer and I have done so many times at my get togethers, everone loves these! to save even more time you can purchase...