This hearty and delicious soup combines a wonderful variety of vegetables with peanut butter and a few red pepper flakes for unexpected flavors and just...
This is my slow cooker version of John's Carrot Soup, by Cathy Bory. This soup is absolutely delicious and good for you! Just enough sweetness makes it...
When tomatoes are ripe and plentiful, this is a fabulous rustic tomato soup. It's creamy and savory with a touch of sweetness. The rich tomato flavor is...
I love French Onion Soup and have tried many variations. I seem to keep coming back to this one because it has such a rich flavor that we enjoy. I've also...
I came up with this recipe a couple of years ago. I make lots of soups and a meatball one sounded interesting. My family loves it, and it is very easy...
This is an easy/peasy recipe to assemble, and if you are not in an absolute dash, you could always toss the ingredients into a slow cooker, or instant...
In the Fall when fresh field tomatoes are at their best I make a huge batch of this soup and freeze it for use over the Winter. It freezes very well and...
I came up with this low-carb, healthy recipe after looking around my pantry and refrigerator. I had some extra leek and cabbage leftover from the holidays,...
My "Little Momma" has made her share of this soup. If my sissy & I weren't feeling well this is the soup we asked for; not chicken noodle. My Grammy &...
There are as many different versions of Pea Soup as there are countries! This one is typical of Wales. NOTE: if rutabagas/swedes are unavailable, substitute...
True story. I work with a bunch of people that were transferred from Kelly AFB in San Antonio. They are true Texans. I brought some of this soup to work...
This recipe is actually part of a weight loss program but I love to just eat the soup anytime.I make a large pot and when ever I'm hungry,I'll eat a bowl...
This recipe will make use of some of that leftover ham in the fridge. It includes a variety of fresh and healthy vegetables. The addition of a potato helps...
This flavorful soup is a favorite at our house. The recipe is inspired by the Sinigang soup found in the Philippines. The lemon grass is an optional ingredient,...
This is a quick, easy and tasty soup to enjoy on New Year's Day. We really liked the addition of Rotel and used the original version. You do taste some...
This is an old favourite vegetable stew from Nova Scotia. Is typically made in the fall as gardens are just harvested. It is important that the freshest...
I wanted to do a yellow soup when I made this recipe. My food processor was too small, so I tried using an immersion blender, but that didn't end well....
An authentic, savory soup from the Mexican food capital of the world - El Paso Texas! You can cut back on some of the fat by baking the tortilla strips...
This is a goto soup for a cold winter day at the North Pole. You can add or subtract as you wish. If you can get fresh, by all means, do so. Otherwise,...
An authentic, savory soup from the Mexican food capital of the world - El Paso Texas! You can cut back on some of the fat by baking the tortilla strips...
There is magic when you blend several vegetables together in a pureed soup. Amazingly, you can taste all of the individual ingredients. The nuance is very...
Just a little note. The French call this sandwich a Mr. or a Mrs. Croque Monsieur due to the fact that there is a fried egg on top of the sandwich. Fried...
As with alot of hand me down recipes, things are not always measured exactly.I know ox tails might sound like a strange meat to use, but it is the ONLY...
A dear friend of mine hosted a soup swap in her home a couple of years ago. This was the soup she made and it was may favorite out of the 8 different soups...
This is one of my all-time favorite ways to enjoy fresh, summer corn, and a great lesson in just how little help these sweet ears need. If you're using...
This is the easiest, quickest, most delicious asparagus soup. Just be sure to use a good quality canned asparagus, and you can't go wrong. The milk and...
This is the easiest, quickest, most delicious asparagus soup. Just be sure to use a good quality canned asparagus, and you can't go wrong. The milk and...
A Vietnamese-style pork and bitter melon recipe my friend Minh-ai N. taught me to make. It's a homey dish popular in Vietnamese and Chinese cuisine. Its...
This will become your go-to soup this fall. It's delicious! The seasoning blend adds a great savory flavor. But it's a bit sweet from the butternut squash....