Cinnamon adds warmth to quick and delicious Israeli couscous. Makes a nice Thanksgiving side dish and goes great with a caramel Porter or other seasonal...
The most labor-intensive part of this recipe involves coring and separating the leaves of each brussels sprout-a perfect activity for those lazybones watching...
This is our all-purpose recipe for breadcrumbs. We have used these to coat chicken and pork chops. We also use them in any savory recipe that calls for...
I like this recipe because it is a very adaptable one. Ingredients can be added or changed a bit to suit your own personal taste. The recipe came from...
TVP, oats, and a variety of herbs and spices provide a vegan alternative to breakfast sausage in this easy recipe. Dough can be rolled into a log, stored...
Protein-packed, fermented tempeh is thinly sliced and infused with a marinade of soy sauce, smoked paprika, and rich maple syrup to mimic the smoky-sweet...
These easy-to-make peanuts will make you feel like a chocolatier assembling a world-class candy bar. If you're anything like me, you can't keep chocolate...
Stirring a simple vinaigrette into warm just-cooked lentils helps them drink up flavor so they taste anything but plain. Use French green or black beluga...
This is a tastier alternative to marinating meat. A rub gives a fuller flavor to any meat. This rub can be used for just about any meat (I personally favor...