Yes, yet another vegetarian chili recipe. The beauty of this one is it is REALLY yummy, has a decent amount of protein, and only simmers 25-30 minutes!...
You've heard it said that the best spaghetti sauces are simmered all afternoon. If that's true, why not let the slow cooker do the cooking for you? This...
From "In the Living Well" website. I use a tsp of fake chicken broth powder as seasoning. These can be shaped into strips for stir-fries too. Very forgiving...
Making your own Harissa paste is incredibly easy and once you taste it, you won't be able to stop using it. Perfect as a marinade for meat or a fiery dressing...
If you only have time for a dessert after the kids are in bed, try something elegant and expedient, like poached pears. This recipe works best with pink...
A mixture of savory miso and nutty tahini adds a creamy richness to this filling vegetarian soup. A good dose of ginger and garlic, plus a few drops of...
I have been making seitan quite a bit lately, and have been trying various cooking methods (baking, steaming and now simmering). One of the more difficult...
Watching frozen bananas and peanut butter blend into ice cream seems like magic; pull out this trick at your next dinner party. Adding grape jelly makes...
This pasta dish sauce is so full of flavor you may not realize the sauce has no dairy in it! Go sparingly on the miso paste, and add to taste preference....
I've been experimenting with quinoa and vegetarian cooking. Came up with this last night and it was delicious! I wanted to save the recipe here and share...
You'll find these round chickpea flour and spiced potato fritters wherever Indian snack sellers congregate. Serve them with whatever chutney you like for...