These tasty vegan energy bars taste just like full-fat, non-vegan oatmeal cookies. Completely irresistible. They are great as breakfast bars with coffee,...
A vegan and gluten-free spin on stuffed peppers. I don't enjoy the Mexican flavors usually associated with quinoa, so this recipe closely resembles the...
Small tomatoes can now be found in any supermarket throughout the year. Nothing equals fresh local tomatoes, but these small varieties-cherry, grape, and...
Call this whatever you like, a vegan cream cheese, a dip, a spread, or whatever. All I know is that it's yummy and it carries me through those days when...
Everyone I cook for most often seems to love coconut; I've realized finally that it's a very easy way to keep them all happy. What I like about this particular...
Beer-Can Chicken, step aside. Cabbage becomes the star of any backyard barbecue with this awesome beer-steaming-plus-grilling technique. It's a smoky,...