Here is a great idea for that leftover turkey! Combine it with a few simple ingredients to make a sensational soup that's incredibly good. It's a breeze...
What a feast! Invite the family and dig into this messy, yummy boil. Combining crawfish, sausage, corn, mushrooms, potatoes, and artichokes, this is a...
All you do is brown the Italian sausages and your slow cooker does the rest in this warming dish with colorful bell peppers, rich tomato sauce, and fresh...
This kicked-up soup features sautéed onions and spicy peppers combined with chicken, corn, tomatoes and black beans all simmered in a delicious broth....
This recipe is from the Allrecipes Allstar team that competed to create the most innovative, best-tasting recipe in a BUSH'S® Beans cook-off. Team members...
Eggplant rounds are breaded and baked, then stacked and layered with Ragu® Old World Style® Traditional Sauce and mozzarella cheese, then baked again...
A creamy filling of chicken, sour cream, and cheese gets an added kick stirred into it with Pace® Picante Sauce. Rolled up in tortillas and baked until...
This versatile one-dish pasta bake uses your favorite pizza ingredients like bell pepper, sausage, pepperoni, and olives--and you can use your family's...
This easy and cheesy one-pot dish gets to the table in under 15 minutes and is a great way to add more vegetables to your meal. Bonus - only one pot to...
Meatball subs in soggy, falling-apart buns are just the worst. That's why we recommend toasting our Tailgaters Brat Buns for this recipe. The heftier,...
This tasteful chicken noodle soup with a zesty Asian flair features chicken broth, soy sauce, garlic, ginger and colorful vegetables, and it's ready in...
In this Italian-inspired dish, eggplant halves are filled with a savory mixture of browned beef, bell pepper, fresh herbs, cheese and bread crumbs, then...
A perfectly baked salmon topped with a mouthwatering crust and served with asparagus. The crispiness and the lemony flavors of the crust are delicious....