Our Fried Plantain recipe takes just 15 minutes for crisp, delicious plantains. These fried plantains make a great side dish or snack. They even work for...
Combine smoked sausage with roasted Brussels sprouts and sweet shallots for a dish that's sweet, tangy, and smoky all at once, in partnership with Hillshire...
These classic peanut butter cookies are tender, fulfilling and simple to make. Made with Truvia® Baking Blend, these cookies have 70% less sugar* than...
Rice-shaped pasta (orzo) made more flavorful by cooking in Swanson® Chicken Broth. This recipe has unlimited possibilities for adding flavors, which makes...
Looking for a delicious appetizer to serve at your next cocktail party? These zesty sausage and cheese stuffed mushrooms are sure to be popular with all...
This unlikely combination is delicious with fresh fall apples. This recipe requires high quality ingredients. I recommend a Vermont aged Cheddar cheese...
Handheld pizza for busy families on the go! Yummy pizza ingredients all wrapped in pre-made pizza or crescent dough. You decide what 'toppings' to add;...
VOSKOS® Nonfat Honey Greek Yogurt adds a hint of sweet to these lean meatballs dressed up with marmalade barbecue sauce. For easy shaping, use a small...
There is something decadent about the flavors of dark chocolate and cherry. This rich brownie recipe, accentuated by notes of toasted almond, delivers...
A unique twist on a classic white chocolate fudge recipe! While quick and easy to prepare, Bruce's® Yams Salted Cashew Sweet Potato Fudge is a nutty,...
Transform a chicken and rice casserole into a one-skillet meal with the addition of fire-grilled vegetables and beans seasoned to bring out the flavors...
Tender sugar cookies couldn't be easier. Just roll into balls and flatten. Customize them for any event by sprinkling with appropriately colored decorator...
Figs simmered in pomegranate juice make a gourmet filling for impressive stuffed and grilled bison burgers served on toasted French bread with melted Gruyere...