This pan-seared tilapia dish is a delicious and easy way to prepare seafood! Great for a quick weeknight meal accompanied with fresh veggies. Try this...
My husband came up with this creation for Easter dinner, as Tilapia is indigenous to the sea of Galilee. It remains the best fish I have ever put in my...
This is so simple, I can't believe I couldn't find it anywhere on zaar. The onion keeps the fish from drying out and gives a lovely mild flavor. We especially...
Living by the sea, we try to eat fish often and this hearty meal is an easy way to enjoy a little bit of what you fancy! This fish pie is good enough for...
This dish is quick, easy, and even better, it's healthy! Served on a bed of rice with the sauce arranged artistically around the plate, it looks absolutely...
Don't let the list of ingredients fool you: this is super-easy, and gets rave reviews whenever I serve it. The salsa can be made the day ahead to save...
Flavorful recipe for this farm raised fish that is easy and done in minutes! The fish is broiled with a creamy cheese coating for an impressive flavor...
Panko is a Japanese bread crumb, coarser than regular breadcrumbs. It makes a delicious crunchy coating for baked tilapia that is lightly seasoned with...
Tilapia is a mild, white fish that is flaky and yummy. You can take this recipe for grilling it in foil packets and alter it to your own liking. The tilapia...
A quick and yummy way to prepare crispy tilapia the whole family will love, without frying. I get asked to make this several times a week by everyone in...
Flavorful recipe for this farm-raised fish that is easy and done in minutes! The fish is broiled with a creamy cheese coating for an impressive flavor...
I have to put this recipe somewhere before it gets thrown away!! It was in the paper as a "Quick Meal". I just love tilapia!! Feel free to add more garlic...
The best and easiest Ceviche recipe I've ever tasted (and I've tried them all over South America). It's quick, easy and disappears quickly. The habanero...
We had some beautiful tilapia fillets, but no recipes! I had recently bought some amazing sun-dried tomatoes packed in oil, and decided to invent a slightly...
My husband is not a big fish eater, but this recipe had him looking for seconds. What makes it a joy for me? It is so quick and easy that it qualifies...
This is a wonderful recipe that will work with any white fish. I prefer the Tilapia, as it is so mild. This is quick and easy. We serve it with Jasmine...
Great recipe loaded with flavour. I made this on my Griddler and it turned out amazing! This recipe works for cod, monkfish. scallops,etc.your choice.Also...
Crispy! Serve with tartar sauce. You can cut into small pieces before breading so the kids can eat like nuggets. You can also deep fry! Stays crispy for...