Inspired by the pad thai at Thai Tom, this recipe features a tamarind paste, vinegar, sugar, and fish sauce mixture over perfectly stir-fried eggs, chicken...
The first thing I do when I visit my favorite Thai restaurant is ponder the specials board. On my one of my recent visits, they had avocado curry. I had...
This dish is a popular Southern Style Thai dish. Delicious, simple, and really easy to prepare, it is a good recipe for a working woman. Good compliment...
This dish is a popular Southern Style Thai dish. Delicious, simple, and really easy to prepare, it is a good recipe for a working woman. Good compliment...
I enjoy beef satay way more than I do skewering small pieces of beef. Besides, I've never made satay, and not stuck a bamboo skewer into my finger at some...
This dish is a popular Southern Style Thai dish. Delicious, simple, and really easy to prepare, it is a good recipe for a working woman. Good compliment...
Thai cookies always have something unusual going on with them. These macaroon style cookies mix coconut, cocoa, and lime juice to create an interesting...
Syrup spiked with ginger goes great with poached eggs. This is a very simple and luxurious dessert to spring on your guests. Try and find small chicken...
Thai native Nong Poonsukwattana worked her way up from Portland kitchens, refining her recipe for khao man gai, saving her money and eventually landing...
The great mix of Thai seasonings makes this a dish that is overflowing with robust and spicy flavors! If you like fusion food, this has a good mix of east...
The great mix of Thai seasonings makes this a dish that is overflowing with robust and spicy flavors! If you like fusion food, this has a good mix of east...
Thai native Nong Poonsukwattana worked her way up from Portland kitchens, refining her recipe for khao man gai, saving her money and eventually landing...
A Thai-inspired recipe with eggplants and tofu. I am not Asian, and I don't want to claim this is an authentic Thai recipe! I had baby eggplants at hand,...
This dessert is simple but very delicious for the banana lover. Bananas are simply cooked in a mixture of coconut milk and coconut cream to create a luscious...
This is a fun and delectable little dessert to impress your friends. This recipe utilizes many typical ingredients found in Thai desserts like tapioca...
Thai cookies always have something unusual going on with them. These macaroon style cookies mix coconut, cocoa, and lime juice to create an interesting...
The great mix of Thai seasonings makes this a dish that is overflowing with robust and spicy flavors! If you like fusion food, this has a good mix of east...
A great Thai dish that is a favorite of my wife. Serve with jasmine rice, tomato and cucumber slices, and additional cilantro sprinkled on top. The contrast...
Kai bananas are nice and firm for cooking in a syrup. These bananas are slightly smaller than most bananas, about the size of your palm. In this recipe,...
Thai desserts do not get more rustic and simple than this. Just three ingredients make up a simple and quick sweet if you are in a hurry. Just remember...
This chicken curry is very easy to prepare, and tastes just like the curries you order at Thai restaurants. As an added bonus -- you can make it all in...
This is a slightly different take on the traditional Thai steamed pumpkin cake. You simply need to grate the pumpkin, mix all the ingredients together,...
This is a traditional Pad Thai recipe used by a friend's mother. You can use chicken, pork, beef, tofu, or a combination. You may want to start with less...
This is my own recipe for green Thai curry. It's full of flavor, and it will warm you from the inside out. Special, elegant, and absolutely delicious....
This dish can be made with shrimp, chicken or pork instead of tofu. Look for the more exotic items in the Asian foods section at your local grocery store....
This dish can be made with shrimp, chicken or pork instead of tofu. Look for the more exotic items in the Asian foods section at your local grocery store....
This dish can be made with shrimp, chicken or pork instead of tofu. Look for the more exotic items in the Asian foods section at your local grocery store....
Thai native Nong Poonsukwattana worked her way up from Portland kitchens, refining her recipe for khao man gai, saving her money and eventually landing...
This is a Pad Thai recipe I got from a restaurant. The sauce is made with ketchup, fish sauce, sugar, lemon juice and vinegar, and it's sprinkled liberally...
Thai native Nong Poonsukwattana worked her way up from Portland kitchens, refining her recipe for khao man gai, saving her money and eventually landing...
This is a Thai chicken curry recipe I've been perfecting for many years. It is extremely flavorful, and the potatoes come out perfect, my favorite part...