This is a Jamie Oliver recipe which I find quick and easy to do and it tastes great too. Get your fishmonger to clean and score the squid and you prep...
This warm salad is also delicious at room temperature, and, in the heat of summer, it makes a marvelous main course or accompaniment to grilled fish or...
This recipe will make good use of our Franchi Red Pear tomatoes, White Lightning eggplant & basil from the garden & the plentiful calamari from our waters....
The South African waters are rich in kingklip, snoek, red roman, hake, cod, pilchards, sole, to name but a few. Other delicacies from the sea include abalone,...
Squid is known as calamari. You should select fresh squid if possible, and it should have a fresh, sweet smell. The meat is actually firm, slightly chewy,...
This is a wonderful appetizer or side dish that my Portuguese ex-mother-in-law used to make as part of the Sunday feast. If you have any questions e-mail...
This is delicious served over linguini or angel hair pasta and is best with summer's vine-ripened tomatoes. Originally from an October 1983 issue of Bon...
Seafood lovers - don't let this one pass you by! This is an original out-of-this-world recipe created by my husband, Evan. Great blend of seafood combined...
This is a simple meal, easy to make. The only problem might be that when you fry the calamari oil will sprinkle around kitchen and can hurt you, so use...
Served with fresh pita bread and creamy Greek yogurt, this colourful salad makes a fine lunch or a substantial appetizer. First paragraphs of ingredients...
This recipe, as well as I can reconstruct it, came from and old favorite restaurant of mine, Rancho de la Luna. Unfortunately, it burned down over 20 years...
This recipe is spiced up using Asian Chili Paste - Sambal Belachan - doesn't taste as good if you omit it! Salmon, clams, mussels, etc. may be used in...
This aqua pazza recipe makes use of squid instead of fish. This dish has been made Japanese with the addition of miso paste. For this recipe, two types...
This is the only way to make calamari that will satisfy a true Italian. the sauce you serve it with is your choice, but I recommend a marinara or wine...
Grilled meats and seafood are very popular in Vietnam and many recipes, like this one, rely upon the specific flavors imparted from the open wood burning...