Serve this with crackers, and your guests will never want to leave, it is that good, and easy too! Plan ahead, this needs to be refrigerated overnight,...
This recipe goes back over 30 years, it's wonderful served as appetizers on crackers or toasted party pumpernickle bread and of course it's also great...
This is a wonderful lemon-flavored pesto. This was my first taste of pesto and I've never gone back! Update as of 2/13/04 I'm glad that you all like this....
This fabulous torte can be made without the sun-dried tomatoes. The combination of cream cheese and pesto is mouth-watering. The original recipe comes...
Saw this on FoodTV's Cooking Thin show. This was easy to make and tasty. It was voted a hit in my house. Serve it with crackers or pita bread. It can be...
This recipe comes from Paula Deen. It tastes exactly like the boursin cheese sold at stores, for a fraction of the cost! I like to serve this spread with...
A fantastic recipe to use with meat dishes, shrimp cocktails, cooked potatoes and on crackers as an appetizer. This recipe was passed on to me by my Russian...
A cream cheese based dip flavoured with a mix of fresh herbs. We have enjoyed this spread on rounds of sliced cucumber and also in pastry cases topped...
This is a requirement at an Southern tea, shower or bridal luncheon. You can top almost any type of bread with this, but Hawaiian bread or a 7 grain is...
This recipe tastes very similar to the spicy tuna rolls found in Japanese restaurants, but the best part is that you use canned tuna rather than raw tuna....
This is my favorite pesto recipe; rich but healthy due to "good" fats from olive oil and walnuts. It comes from "The Omega Diet." I usually freeze half...
A local supper club used to serve a cheddar cheese spread and this liverwurst spread with crackers in the bar area while you were waiting for your table....
I find any excuse possible to serve this. Great around the holidays but worthy of being made all year round. It is the dish I am most often asked to bring...
This could be used as a dip or a spread. I made it up when I realized I needed it for a recipe I was about to make: recipe#204602. I thought it turned...
I found this recipe for homemade Miracle Whip in the local paper. Miracle Whip is not available where I live, so it's nice to have a jar of this in the...
I was born in Maryland, and crab dip was served at all family functions since as long as I can remember. No "true" Baltimore native can NOT have a good...
I make this for a potlucks or parties, so often I assemble a tiny one in a mini-loaf pan for the two of us. If there are any leftovers, they go great on...
I grew up only knowing this by Ham Salad which is what my Mom and local Deli's up North called it. She said it was the "Poor Man's Ham Salad" which never...
You will not BELIEVE the flavor of this spread till you try it! It creates a taste explosion in your mouth and makes you think you're in sunny Greece....
This is my most requested recipe. We have it at every family function, and it always goes fast. I often double the recipe, making one really large cheese...
I'm asked to bring this to every family function. This is my great aunt's recipe and when she could no longer make it, I took over. I hope you enjoy it...
Cheeseballs are okay, but this one is super amazing! I wish I could claim credit for this one, but once again it's from Craig's family recipe treasure...
This tastes similar to the brand, "Annie's Natural Goddess Dressing." It's also great for chicken and just about anything else you can dip into it. Try...
This recipe is a hit with friends and family. It is an appetizer and is delicious spread on crackers, or as a spreadable vegetable dip. Makes and excellent...
I've made this a couple of times as an appetizer at family dinners. Everyone liked it and I think it's better than the store-bought variety (and less expensive...
This Scandinavian-inspired spread is wonderful on dense, thin-sliced pumpernickel bread or whole grain crackers. Sardines are rich sources of omega-3 fatty...
I have tried a lot of hummus recipes, and this one is a combination of a few of my favorites, and is now the only one I use. I grow my own little Super...
This spread has always been a favorite of mine, but it must have nuts for texture. For a party, It's delicious and elegant on nut bread. Always a hit,...