This is just like spicy chicken wings, only less work. Cooks up nicely in the slow cooker! A quick meal that is super easy and oh so yummy! For crispier...
This hearty, flavorful wiener sauce is like the kind you'll find in Rhode Island and Massachusetts. It may be frozen until ready for use. Use premium grilled...
Taco seasoned ground beef, cheese, refried beans, all in a super-simple casserole. DH likes with chips, I also like it in tortillas. We like to use spicy...
Had some ripe avocados left over. They were extras from guacamole the previous weekend. So I gave this quick and extremely easy recipe a shot on the grill,...
This recipe is the result of playing around with several different recipes after trying and falling in love with a commercial brand of sweet hot pickles....
This recipe comes from Maine and is EXCELLENT! These cakes are so yummy they almost melt in your mouth! They're great served with a seafood pasta salad,...
This sauce is a sweet surprise to the palate. It is an unusual combination, but my guests have raved about it. Served over crackers with cream cheese,...
This is a great appetizer meatball recipe with a little kick to it. It can be made ahead and frozen in resealable plastic bags, then added to sauce and...
Tofu is breaded and air-fried then tossed in buffalo sauce for vegan buffalo wings to cure your spicy fix without oil. Freezing the tofu gives it a chewy...
They have the flavor of Buffalo chicken dip rolled into a ball and then breaded and deep fried. Dip in either ranch or blue cheese dip. I served these...
I like chili and when I make it I like to make a big pot of it. This recipe makes about 2 gallons and has won 1st and 2nd place in chili cook-off contests....
These wings are sweet, spicy and sticky but if you're into the sweet ginger but don't like spicy, just leave out the serrano chilies. Make sure to test...
Made these last night as I had jalapeno peppers left but, alas, no dry ranch dressing. Aha! I found some ranch dressing in a bottle in my refrigerator...
Spicy, citrus, earthy, with the right amount of thyme. These wings should be a hit as long as your guests are brave enough to take some Caribbean heat....
These yummy, spicy wings are awesome even if you are not a blue cheese lover. They are a must try! Since football season, I have been trying to come up...
This is a hot meat sauce that is put on hot dogs (wieners) here in Rhode Island. It's usually added after the mustard and chopped onions and topped with...
Smoked cheese and green salsa give these crispy chicken taquitos that extra yum! Thinner corn tortillas will work the best. If you can't find the smoked...
I tasted this delicious Asian American chicken at a sample table and couldn't wait to get home and cook it for my husband! You can either use sweet chili...
This is a quick recipe can be fixed in 30 min or less. It is bursting with flavor and love. I put this together in my own kitchen one day [like many other...