This easy vegan Mexican Bean Soup is a hearty bowl full of flavour. It's rammed with beans and veggies, and is deliciously spiced and warming. The best...
This authentic and satisfying Traditional Irish Leek and Potato Soup comes straight from the Irish countryside. Serve this easy 30 minute meal with a drizzle...
Enchiladas in a bowl! A thick, chunky soup on the table in 15 minutes with amazing flavours. This recipe is part of my Pork Carnitas series so is made...
A simple easy recipe for Chicken Pozole that can be made in an Instant Pot or on the stove top. A healthy, delicious, Mexican-inspired weeknight dinner...
This soup has a spicy Louisiana flare that's perfect on a cold day! Makes a large pot to feed the whole family with leftovers! Try it for Mardi Gras...
The original recipe is made for the stovetop, but I ended up adapting it for the slow cooker to make things a little simpler. Plus, I just love the idea...
This is a simple yet delicious creamy tom yum soup; a Thai hot and sour soup that is aromatic, rich, spicy, and satisfying! Plus this recipe is customizable,...
Classic French Onion Soup is one of the most delicious soups in the world! Caramelized onions create a stock filled with an intense depth of flavour. Simmered...
This Broccoli Cheese Soup is creamy, super cheesy, quick and easy. Made entirely in one pot with simple ingredients, you can have this scrumptious soup...
This Slow Cooker Butternut Pear soup with a hint of ginger is vegan and dairy-free and so simple to make. Great as a starter or serve it as a meal with...
Loaded with summer vegetables, this hearty and healthy ratatouille soup is low calorie and satisfying. It makes a great vegetarian meal with some warm...
This Turkey Cabbage Soup is a delicious Asian-inspired dish that will warm you from the inside out. Flavorful and full of tender veggies and turkey, it's...
Here's a super Easy Wonton Soup recipe using store-bought frozen potstickers (wontons) for a quick and delicious Asian soup that you'll savor all winter...
I have made this rabbit stew many times, and I always seem to like it better with the skinny cottontails here in California, although it is very good with...
This Instant Pot split pea soup recipe with ham is so easy to make and my kids love it! Throw it in your pressure cooker for 17 minutes and it's the perfect...
Chicken fajitas in soup form! This is such a filling and flavorful soup and you'll love these tasty Tex-Mex flavors. It's loaded with chicken, rice, black...
This healthy, cozy, fall-inspired sweet potato corn chowder can be on the table in about 30 minutes. It's full of flavour, nutritious and easy to make...