When it comes to game day eats, sometimes, nothing beats tradition. Give our fan-favorite original Chex™ Party Mix a space at the tailgate table as a...
Learn how to make a coffee smoothie with brewed coffee! This delicious, easy coffee smoothie recipe has a hint of chocolate from cacao powder, a boost...
Filipino fresh spring rolls with crepe wrapper vegetable filling, and a savory peanut sauce are a tasty and filling snack or light meal. The're nutritious...
This Carrot Dip tastes like a creamy version of Japanese Carrot-Ginger Dressing! Easy to prepare, can be made in advance and served cold or at room temperature!...
Crock Pot Bourbon Meatballs are tender, succulent, and loaded with irresistible flavors. These meatballs, prepped in just minutes, are cooked in the Crock-Pot...
Peanut Brittle is a classic buttery and crunchy candy that no one will be able to resist munching on. It's perfect for packaging and giving away during...
This homemade beef jerky recipe is a sweet and savory snack for your next adventure! The fresh teriyaki marinade loads the jerky with tons of great flavor,...
These Peanut Butter Banana Oatmeal Cookies are delicious Breakfast Cookies or Healthy Snacks. Made with 3 ingredients only, these soft and chewy cookies...
Apricot Bread made from scratch with fresh apricots and drizzled with glaze. This is a soft, sweet, quick bread recipe that is great for breakfast or as...
The best (and easiest) Southern Tea Cakes Recipe (or tea cake cookies recipe) is here! You will feel like you are right in the South after making and serving...
Don't you just love corn muffins? Cornmeal has that bit of gritty texture to it that adds just a touch of crunch to the muffins. This is an easy recipe...
Cheesy Pepperoni Pizza Sticks are a fun alternative to regular pizza for a party, especially Super Bowl! Easy and quick to make! Enjoy these cheesy pepperoni...
These 4-ingredient chocolate coconut date balls are such an easy, healthy make-ahead snack idea. Recipe is vegan, gluten-free, nut-free, and no-bake. Plus...
If you have never had a Hanky Panky, you are in for a treat! There is nothing improper about this Hanky Panky Recipe for old-fashioned, delicious, cocktail...
These spicy slow cooker meatballs are the easiest party appetizer to make and perfect for cocktail parties, football food and feeding hungry crowds. Made...
Puto made of rice flour and coconut milk are soft, fluffy, and tasty! These Filipino steamed rice cakes are delicious on their own or paired with savory...